Cheshire 2021-07-09

Andrew Matthews 38

Sex offender told victim he was a 'black belt' in attacking women.

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Offender ID: O-0970


O'Leary Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2


The woman was left bruised and crying after Andrew Matthews attacked her

A sex offender told his victim he was a 'black belt' in attacking women.

After making the vile comment, Andrew Matthews grabbed the woman's genitals with such force she was left bruised and crying.

The woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was left suffering "anxiety" and "panic attacks" after the horrific incident.

Kate Morley, prosecuting at Liverpool Crown Court, said Matthews had "forcibly grabbed her over clothing" after which she "screamed" and "began to cry".

Judge Louise Brandon said Matthews had "grabbed and squeezed her vagina causing pain and bruising" in the attack earlier this year, which left the victim "feeling depressed" and "unhappy in her own skin".

He had also "grabbed her by the neck with one hand" and spat in her face before punching her. Ms Morley said there was "no physical injury" from the punch.

Matthews has 19 previous convictions for 24 offences including battery against a woman and a non-domestic violence related battery.

William Staunton, defending, said the offences "should cause him to feel shame" and to "reflect upon the way in which he behaves".

He stressed he had "no previous for sexual offending" and added he has completed a 12-step programme to address his drinking while in custody.

Mr Staunton said: "He will have time from today to sit at Her Majesty's Pleasure to sit and contemplate what he has done."

Matthews, of O'Leary Street, Warrington, was convicted of sexual assault and common assault following a trial.

Judge Brandon, sentencing, said a "particularly disgusting aspect of this offence" was his spitting at the woman.

Matthews was jailed for 18 months and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years.

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