Cheshire 2021-07-05

Alan Bainbridge 65

Paedophile who had dog sex images shared video of girl, 5, being raped.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0962


Doward Street, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8


A paedophile who had images of a man having sex with a dog also shared a sickening video of a five-year-old girl being raped.

Among his criminal content Alan Bainbridge kept 501 images of children being sexually abused.

Liverpool Crown Court heard the 62-year-old also amassed 52 images of bestiality involving dogs.

He was today jailed after a judge heard how police found chats in which he was "discussing sexual abuse of children".

Robert Wyn-Jones, prosecuting, said on May 12 last year "as a result of intelligence" police searched Bainbridge's Warrington home during which a "number of devices" were seized.

He was arrested on suspicion of possessing, making and distributing indecent images of children.

Bainbridge answered no comment in interview. The devices underwent a forensic examination.

Officers found between January 8 and May 13 last year Bainbridge kept 151 category A images, which involve children being raped.

He also kept 87 category B images and 263 category C images.

Mr Wyn-Jones said the majority of the pictures involved girls around eight-years-old.

Bainbridge also had 52 images of bestiality involving dogs.

Mr Wyn-Jones explained Bainbridge had used "various chat forums" on which he was "discussing sexual abuse of children".

In one chat Bainbridge shared two sickening child rape videos, one of which involved a five-year-old girl and the other which involved a girl of "about three".

In a police interview Bainbridge admitted having a sexual interest in children and that he had sent images to other people.

Bainbridge is of effective previous good character, the court heard.

Kyra Badman, defending, said he was "open" with the author of a pre-sentence report which she said was "perhaps indicative of his willingness to engage with the probation service and his motivation to change".

She said he has sought help from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation, Samaritans, and local mental health services and he is "keen to change his ways".

Ms Badman said he has recently retired "really because of the shame of his employer finding out about these offences".

She said his marriage had broken down as a result of his offences and he had become "socially isolated", which has caused him to struggle with his mental health.

Alan Bainbridge, of Doward Street, Widnes, admitted possession of indecent images of a child, three counts of making indecent images, distributing indecent images of a child and possession of extreme pornographic images.

The judge, Recorder Eric Lamb, sentencing, said: "By your age you should know much better than to behave in the way you have done, bringing yourself before the court."

Recorder Lamb said: "The pre-sentence report sets out the many difficulties you have had in your life which result in you now finding yourself isolated and in poor mental health, but expressing yourself you are determined to overcome your previous way of behaving with help from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation."

The judge accepted Bainbridge's genuine remorse but said "appropriate punishment can only be achieved by immediate custody".

Bainbridge was jailed for two years, which was reduced to one year and 10 months due to the "onerous" conditions in prisons as a result of the pandemic.

He ordered to comply with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years and must sign the Sex Offenders Register for the same period.

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