Wakefield 2022-02-17

Joseph Brian Parkin 25

Paedophile who preyed on two schoolgirls.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0894


William Prince Grove, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1


Joseph Brian Parkin was given a suspended sentence last June for contacting 13 and 14-year-old girls and leaving them messages, which put him in breach of a sexual harm prevention order (SHPO).

But when he was handed the sentence, he was already in further communication with two more youngsters after they saw his message on the bus and contacted him.

The 23-year-old then met up with the girls on several occasions and made sexual comments towards them, Leeds Crown Court was told.

The defendant then began following the two teenagers.

One of the girls older sister then confronted Parkin in the street as he followed them, and he rode off on his bike.

Police were contacted and Parkin refused to comment during an interview.

Parkin, of William Prince Grove, Belle Vue, eventually pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual communication with a child and two counts of breach of his sexual harm prevention order (SHPO).

He has nine previous convictions which include sexual assault of a girl under 13, causing a child to watch a sexual act, sexual communication with a child, sending indecent communications, and several breaches of his SHPO, which he was given in 2017.

Mitigating, Satpal Roth-Sharma said that Parkin suffered from Asperger's Syndrome and accepted his latest bout of behaviour.

She said he was placed into care he was 12, and had spent the last seven months being held on remand in which had reflected on his life.

She said: "His interest in teen girls is a result of feeling isolated and having never held down a proper adult relationship.

"He accepts he made poor decisions linked to his Asperger's and his maturity.

"He has thought long and hard about his behaviour and is showing regret and remorse."

Judge Andrew Stubbs QC told him: "I appreciate the difficulties you have had, I'm aware of your autism and your place on the spectrum.

"You are dangerous because you can't stop yourself contacting young girls for sexual purposes.

"I can't take the risk of allowing you your liberty."

Parkin, who sat shaking his head as the judge spoke to him, was handed a three-year jail term, made up of 20 months for his latest offences, as well as the 16 months from the suspended sentence last year.

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