Hull 2022-01-18

Fletcher Massey 23

Sexual predator forced teen to cook for him and strangled another while she was pregnant.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0613


Newland Grove, Hull, HU5


Fletcher Massey targeted five teenage girls and a woman during a shocking and nasty series of incidents.

A depraved sexual predator who regularly behaved like a violent bully targeted five teenage girls and a woman during a shocking and nasty series of incidents, including making vile threats to kill.

Fletcher Massey raped one girl and degraded her by forcing her to cook and clean for him.

He sent a menacing knife emoji to another girl and threatened to stab her in the face, Hull Crown Court heard.

Massey, 21, formerly of Newland Grove, Hull, admitted nine offences, including rape, four of sexual activity with a child, two of assault causing actual bodily harm and another of intimidating a witness between June and September 2020.

He also admitted causing a girl to engage in sexual activity by forcing her to watch a video of him committing a sex act.

Ian Howard, prosecuting, said that Massey had consensual sex with a 15-year-old girl he met over Facebook during lockdown when she sneaked out of her home to see him.

He also had sex with another 14-year-old girl he met through Facebook after she went to his home.

In other incidents, he forced a 15-year-old girl to cook and clean for him and had sex with her at least six times a day.

He threatened her with violence and had sex with her on one occasion while holding a pillow over her face.

Massey also threatened to throw acid in her face.

He assaulted a pregnant 16-year-old girl by grabbing her by the throat and squeezing her neck until she was dizzy.

In another assault, Massey lost his temper with a 20-year-old woman he was in a relationship with and headbutted her in the face.

He intimidated another girl who was a witness by threatening to kill her during a voicemail.

He sent four emoji messages, including a knife image, and made 12 telephone calls in one day.

Massey also threatened in another call to knock her out and threatened in another message to stab her in the face.

Massey, who now prefers to be called Kai Massey, had convictions for attempted robbery, assault and possessing a knife.

Stephen Robinson, mitigating, said that Massey had suffered a wretched childhood and had been put in care.

"He has had trouble relating to how he deals with others," said Mr Robinson.

Massey's behaviour was impulsive, emotionally immature and "grossly lacking in social and life skills" but there was some hope for him for the future, the court was told.

"He does feel more positive for the future," said Mr Robinson.

Recorder Anthony Hawks told Massey: "You have committed extremely serious offences. At least, late in the day, you have had the decency and maturity to plead guilty."

Massey was jailed for 12 years and three months.

He was given an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and must register as a sex offender for life.

After the hearing, Detective Sergeant Stu Fox said: It became clear to us from listening to the accounts of these girls that Fletcher Massey is an extremely callous, dangerous and perverted man who enjoys inflicting harm on young women for his own pleasure.

I cannot imagine the trauma that these girls have had to experience at the hands of this cowardly man, but they should be so proud of their strength in coming forward about the abuse they had suffered and remaining dignified throughout this entire investigation.

They have remained consistently engaged with us, entrusted us with distressing information and been strong throughout, even when they were going through personal traumas unconnected to the case.

Massey had tried to intimidate these girls into withdrawing their accounts, but the girls bravely stood against him, reported his actions and we were able to keep him remanded into custody, where he couldnt cause them, or anyone else, further harm.

I also want to thank the witnesses who have come forward and continued to offer support to the investigation, ultimately helping us to get justice for the victims.

There is nowhere other than behind bars that this man deserves to be. Im pleased he is now off the streets and hope this brings his victims some closure, although I understand this will not undo the damage and pain he has inflicted upon them."

An NSPCC spokesperson also commented on Massey's sentencing.

They said: Masseys last-minute admission of this horrific campaign of abuse against four young girls may have spared them the distress of reliving their experiences in court but can never undo the devastation his repulsive actions caused.

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