London 2021-10-14

Ali Husseini 29

Man who attacked women in Tower Hamlets has sentence increased.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0484


Poplar High Street, Tower Hamlets, London, E14


A man who was jailed for a series of sex attacks on women in Tower Hamlets has had his sentence increased.

Ali Husseini, 27 (25.05.94), of Poplar High Street, was sentenced at the Old Bailey on Friday, 6 August, to six years and nine months' imprisonment, having been convicted of two counts of sexual assault and one count of attempted sexual assault.

The police and Crown Prosecution Service thought the sentence was unduly lenient and referred the case to the Attorney General.

On Wednesday, 13 October, judges at the Royal Courts of Justice reviewed the facts of the case. The bench accepted that these were not offences that involved sophisticated planning, however the offender’s choice of remote location in which he could lie in wait, was a considerable aggravating factor. In light of this his original sentence was quashed and he was handed a new sentence of nine years' imprisonment.

Husseini will also be subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for ten years upon his release and he will be placed on the sex offenders register for life.

Detective Constable Charlotte Baghurst, from the Specialist Crime Command, said: "Husseini is a violent and dangerous man and it is right that he will serve a longer term in prison for his awful crimes. I hope that this will enable these brave victims to feel safer in their communities and get their lives back on track.

"He carried out a number of predatory and prolonged attacks on lone women as they went about their day-to-day business and instilled fear in women and girls for a number of weeks.

"Everybody in the Met is absolutely committed to bringing justice to victims of sexual assault, and to make London a safer city for women and girls. Our teams will stop at nothing to investigate allegations and to provide support to victims."

During his trial, the court heard how Husseini would follow lone women into the subway underneath the A12 in the Poplar area. Upon picking his victim, he would chase them and sexually assault them.

On 10 August 2020, Husseini followed a 32-year-old woman as she returned home from nearby shops. As she walked through the subway he ran and grabbed the victim by her throat, forcing her forwards before sexually assaulting her. The victim was able to bite Husseini’s arm causing him to let go and run away.

On 3 September 2020, Husseini targeted a heavily pregnant female as she walked through the empty subway back to work. The victim heard heavy footsteps behind her and Husseini slapped her from behind, causing the victim to scream and run away.

On 4 September 2020, Husseini followed a 20-year-old female as she walked home from work. Husseini held her by the throat up against the wall of the subway and began touching her. He then tried to undo the victim's trousers zip and started to undo his own. The victim began screaming which caused Husseini to run away.

Following an investigation, Husseini was arrested on 24 September 2020. He was charged on 25 September 2020 and remanded in custody.

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