Scarborough 2021-12-09

Ryan Marshall 26

A paedophile groomed and sexually abused a teenage girl leaving her thinking about ending her life, a court heard.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0372


Caymer Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11


Ryan Marshall abused a teen from the Southampton area.

His actions left her with diagnoses for anxiety, PTSD and depression.

Prosecution barrister, Rose Burns, told how on one occasion the defendant met his victim at Eastleigh Train Station.

The two then went to a field where they had sex.

However, Marshall threatened to send out intimate pictures of her.

He even pressured her into having sex with someone else.

When he was finally arrested, police seized a number of devices found to have a stash of indecent images of his victim.

Ms Burns read out the girl’s victim personal statement which stated how the abuse had started when she was “only 12-years-old”.

Furthermore, she said how Marshall made her do things she never wanted to do.

he expressed how she “was terrified and scared and could not tell anyone anything”.

The girl said: “I feel like you have destroyed the person I was.”

Appearing before Southampton Crown Court, Marshall, 24, was charged with four counts of sexual activity with a child and causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

He also stood to be sentenced for grooming, attempting to incite sexual activity with a child, possession of indecent images of children and malicious communications.

He pleaded guilty to the offences which happened between 2018 and June 2019.

Defending, Alejandra Tascon, said that her client had lived an “isolated and secluded life” and didn’t have any friends.

She told how Marshall spent the majority of his teenage years looking after his mother.

iss Tascon added: “He should have known better, and he should have stopped because she was a child.”

However, Marshall “felt they were in a relationship. He cared for her, and he loved her”.

Judge Nicholas Rowland jailed him for a total of three years and nine months.

Marshall, of Caymer Road, Scarborough, was handed a ten-year sexual harm prevention order and must register as a sex offender for life.

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