Kent 2022-09-29

Jonathan Woodward 23

Pretended to be a woman to lure children younger than 13 into sexual activity.
Yorkshire 2022-09-29

Kenneth Fowler 65

Serial sex offender sexually assaulted an infant girl after “luring” her into an enclosed space.
Durham 2022-09-29

Jack Mellis 23

Found with a hoard of sickening abuse images had shared some to other perverts online and videoed two children on his phone.
Warrington 2022-09-28

Terry Yates 40

Engaging in sex chats online with someone he believed was a young girl.
Stirling 2022-09-28

Lewis Grant 29

Raping three women in university halls or student flats linked to two Scottish universities.
Bath 2022-09-28

Everet Higgins 67

Committing sexual offences against two children between eight and 12 years old.
Oxfordshire 2022-09-28

Kevin Dale 50

Convicted sex offender was caught in the police station car park talking into the mobile phone he should not have had.
Denbigh 2022-09-27

Brandon Hughes 24

Sex offender was caught on camera peering through windows in the early hours of the morning.
East Sussex 2022-09-27

Gerald Highgate 84

Paedophile football coach abused eight boys as young as 11 over a period of more than three decades.
Fife 2022-09-26

Robert Clark 60

Fugitive admitted two counts of indecent assault and one of intentionally causing another to look at a sexual image.
Derby 2022-09-26

David Stevenson 71

Registered sex offender paid to watch live streamed child abuse.
Oxford 2022-09-26

David Jones 35

Sex offender who breached internet device ban.
Powys 2022-09-26

Callum Abbott 24

Paedophile 'kissed and cuddled' girl, 14, in town centre.
Merseyside 2022-09-23

Nicholas Clayton 39

Using Facebook Messenger to groom children as young as 10 from around the world.
Newcastle 2022-09-23

Andrew Tonner 47

Pervert had vile images and videos of kids as young as two.