Waterlooville 2024-08-19

Natalie Harris 36

Paedophile woman who had threesome with two 13-year old boys.

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Offender ID: O-6175


Not reported.


A 36 year old mum has been jailed for four years after she had a threesome with two 13 year old boys in her son's bedroom while he was at school.

Extremely promiscuous Natalie Harris, of Waterlooville, started sending sexual messages to one of the schoolboys on Snapchat before inviting them both to her address. In a total disregard of any moral compass, the mother of six developed an obsession for sex with young boys and wanted attention after a break-up, Portsmouth Crown Court heard.

Despite begging the boys to keep it a secret, she was arrested after a video of the threesome filmed by one of the boys was circulated around their school. Harris wept in the dock on Thursday (August 15) as she was jailed for four years, having admitted four counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child.

A mother of one of the 13 year old boys said Harris had taken away his childhood. Prosecutor Matthew Lawson said both boys, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were 13 at the time of the incident which took place in Waterlooville in November 2022.

"The case came to light in January of last year," he told Portsmouth Crown Court. There was a video that had been circulating around the school both boys attended. The police got a call from a concerned parent which showed an adult female engaging in sexual activity with a boy."

The court heard the two boys initially denied involvement, before one of them eventually told their mother. Mr Lawson said Harris was identified as the woman in the video via distinctive hand tattoos. Her mobile phone was seized by police and a thread of messages between her and one of the boys - who she had saved in her contacts as Rachel.

It was heard she told him he shouldn't tell anyone as she could go to prison and to stick up for him if anything was said about her. Telling the court how the boy came forward to tell his mum he had been the one who took the video, Mr Lawson said: "He said in November 2022, around the time of the World Cup, the defendant had started to message him on Snapchat and by text. He said the messages became sexual and invited both boys to go to her house. It was clear to both boys they were going there for sex."

The court heard when they arrived at the address, Harris took them to her son's bedroom, where they had sex for roughly 40 minutes and left before her own boy was due to return from school. She was arrested and initially claimed 'no knowledge' of who the woman was in the video. In a victim impact statement read to the court, the mother of the boy who came forward, said she had seen her son fade away as a result of the awful nightmare.

She added her poor boy has lost interest in several hobbies and now stays indoors as a result. "My heart just breaks, I couldn't have imagined this happening to my son - he is a child," she said. "Natalie has completely turned our family upside down. The worst thing about all of this is she has taken away his childhood and I will never forgive her. [He] will never get back the childhood that has been taken from him. This will stay with us now for the rest of our lives."

Harris - who has since been diagnosed with bipolar and multiple personality disorder - was suffering from a 'manic episode' following her split, it was heard. In mitigation, Berenice Mulvanny said Harris was deeply remorseful and devastated about her behaviour. She said it had been triggered by a break-up with a partner. On Harris' split with her partner, Judge Sarah Munro KC said: "You reacted to his departure in a dramatic way. In your behaviour you became extremely promiscuous."

She said a dramatic change was noted in Harris' mood which included an obsession in you for sex with young boys. [The boy] described how you started to send him messages and invited him to your home," she said. You took them to your son's bedroom and engaged in sexual activity with both boys. They left because it was time for your son to come home from school.

On the boy who reported the incident, she said: "The impact upon [him] has been dreadful. He feels guilty about what happened. You have clearly turned that family upside down and taken [his] childhood away from him." Sentencing her, she said: "No sentence I can pass can give [him] his childhood back or undo the damage you have done to him."

The judge said the trigger for the 'manic episode' which resulted in erratic behaviour was her split with her partner. "You felt unloved and you began to act in a way to get attention," she added. In your desire for attention you gave no consideration on the long term detrimental impact on these young boys. There was significant planning and grooming behaviour used by you, a serious abuse of trust and a very significant disparity in age. She added there had been a 'total disregard of any moral compass' and jailed her for four years. Harris was also made the subject of a 10 year restraining order and a Sexual Harm Prevention Order of the same length.

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