Plymouth 2021-10-21

Leigh Bell 37

Possessing and distributing images of child sexual abuse and an extreme image involving a person and a dog.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-6138


Citadel Road, Plymouth, Devon, PL1


A Plymouth dad ogled vile images of children - including some the same age as his own daughter, a court heard.

Twisted Leigh Bell, aged 35, downloaded more than 100 images of kids, including more than 40 being abused by adults.

He used the messaging app Kik to ask a 13-year-old girl for an explicit video - though he said that it may have been someone posing as a teenager. 

Bell confessed his secret in front of his mother and stepfather when police executed a warrant at his home, Plymouth Crown Court heard.

He was also caught with an extreme pornographic image, involving an adult and a dog.

A judge handed him a community order, saying effective treatment was the best way of tackling his problem and protecting children in the future.

The court heard that Bell had already spoken to counsellors on the phone.

Judge William Mousley said: "In the images, some of the children are as young as five. In your police interview you admitted viewing more than 1,000 images, some of them involving even younger children.

"You admitted sending images and you admitted receiving them."

But the judge added Bell had shown remorse and admitted more than the police had found evidence of on some of his 27 devices.

Judge Mousley said that the defendant was a "realistic prospect of rehabilitation" and so could be handed a community order rather than a prison term under sentencing guidelines.

He also said that his stepmother would suffer from a lack of care if Bell was in jail.

Bell, of Citadel Road in the city centre, pleaded guilty to attempted sexual communication with a child aged under 16 between January and November 2019. 

He also admitted three counts of possession of indecent images of children in all three categories between the same dates. He had 109 pictures, including 43 in the most serious category showing children being abused.

Bell finally pleaded guilty to having an extreme pornographic image.

Sam Castlehouse, for the Crown Prosecution Service, said police received intelligence that an indecent image of a child had been accessed at an IP address linked to Bell's home.

He said police executed a warrant and seized 27 different devices, including tablets, phones and hard drives.

Mr Castlehouse said that Bell's mother had been at the address and he confessed to her that he had been looking at images of children.

The barrister said that he had also asked a 13-year-old girl to send him an explicit video of herself, though he told police that he doubted she was a real teenager.

Chris Cuddihee, for Bell, said his client had a daughter the same age as some of the children he had been viewing.

He added: "One of the first things he told me was that these could have been his daughter. He just never stopped to think about it."

The court heard that he was no longer with the mother of the child and was not allowed to see the teenage girl.

The barrister added that Bell had moved to Plymouth when he was 16 and had struggled to forge new relationships or friendships.

Mr Cuddihee said the defendant had not worked for two years.

He added that in the two years since his arrest he had contacted a charity which helps sex offenders six to eight times on the phone. 

Mr Cuddihee said that Bell had started using Kik for banter on football, music and women but had been drawn into pornography.

The barrister said the defendant, who has no previous convictions, was sent the image of the dog as part of a mass download.

Judge Mousley handed Bell a three-year community order with a sex offender treatment programme and probation's Rehabilitation Activity Requirement supervision course.

Bell must be on the Sex Offender Register for five years and was made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for a decade.

That will allow the police to monitor his use of the internet. 

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