Middlesbrough 2024-07-18

Kurtis Randall 29

Paedophile performed sex act on himself in Audi then threw £10 at passing schoolgirls who saw him.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-6038


Enfield Street, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, TS1


A sex offender, who parked up near a Middlesbrough school, performed a sex act on himself - and filmed it.

Kurtis Randall stayed in the car and turned his camera to film the reaction of two schoolgirls, who saw what he was doing as they walked home at the end of the day. The 29-year-old then threw a £10 note towards one of them.

When police arrived at Randall's home, they found the sick video he had recorded, stored on an encrypted cloud app; and another video showing a live video of a child watching him online, as he lay on his bed performing a sex act to the camera.

Teesside Crown Court has heard that Randall parked close to a footpath, near the school, in 2023 and 2024. Each time he arrived as school was finishing, and began performing a sex act on himself, while he sat in a borrowed white Audi.

One girl later told police: "He was proper w****** himself and then he threw a tenner at us." Randall returned the next day, and exposed his private parts as he carried out the sex act. The girl said: "He laughed and threw us a tenner."

Robin Patton, prosecuting, told the court that one of the schoolgirls had told a relative what she had seen, but she was not believed. When Randall returned again the day after, he performed the sex act with his car window down, but sped off when the same schoolgirl shouted: "That's him!" to her pal.

Randall was already under a strict court order whilst living in the community, after serving a jail term for paying a 15-year-old girl £60 for a sex act in a car, in the South Bank area of Middlesbrough. He also blackmailed another underage girl, to send him naked photos of herself, in 2016. He later posted the explicit pictures online.

Mr Patton said that police turned up at Randall's home to discuss him wearing a location tag, as part of the sexual harm prevention order imposed on him. When offender managers checked his mobile phone, they found the videos Randall had filmed near the school, titled "d*** flashing".

Another saved file showed a video of girls, aged 12 to 14, looking into a camera as Randall perform a sex act on his bed. It was filmed as a live video on social media and Randall had used an alias name as his profile, which breached the terms of his sexual harm prevention order.

A further file showed 50 images of children, aged two to eight-years-old, being raped and sexually abused. Randall had saved the videos to the encrypted cloud storage app 'Mega.' Mr Patton said: "He is determined to have as sexual encounter or experience with children - he is a danger. He is quite resourceful."

Schoolgirl 'shocked and scared'

In statements read out to the court, the schoolgirls who had walked past Randall in the Audi, said: "I felt shocked and scared. I do not want to leave the house if this man is released."

The other girl, who is in her early teens, said: "When I seen the man doing that in his car I was disgusted. Since it happened I only leave the house to go to school."

Randall, of Enfield Street in central Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to 12 counts of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child; to possessing indecent photos of a child; two counts of making indecent photos of a child; to two counts of breaching a sexual harm prevention order; and to failing to comply with notification requirements.

In mitigation, Shaun Routledge said that Randall was remorseful and "took full responsibility" for what he had done. Randall's mum watched from the public gallery as Judge Chris Smith said he would be passing an extended prison sentence - because of the high risk Randall poses.

The judge said: "In 2022, police received complaints about a man m*********** in his car. When they came to your house to discuss wearing a location tag to manage the risk you pose in the community, they discovered videos of what you did in the car and videos relating to further sexual offending by you.

"The videos showed that you parked close to a school. You deliberately set about removing your clothes, so you could be seen m***********. Mr Routledge says there's remorse, but I find very little evidence of that in your pre-sentence report."

10 year sentence

Randall was handed a 10-year extended sentence - made up of four-years-six-months in prison and five-years-six-months on an extended licence, in the community. He will be eligible to be considered for release after serving three-years of his prison term.

Randall was made the subject of a new sexual harm prevention order, meaning he has to wear a location tag for 10-years. "You must ensure the device is charged and you prohibited from tampering with it or removing it," the judge told him.

A restraining order banned Randall from the area where the schoolgirls live; and he must comply by sex offender notification requirements for the rest of his life.

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