Musselburgh 2024-02-26

Gary Yuill 45

Serial rapist who terrorised one of his victims in her home while out on bail for attacking her.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5935


Wallyford, Musselburgh


A serial rapist who terrorised one of his victims in her home while out on bail for attacking her has been jailed for 12 years.

Gary Yuill, 45, was wearing a balaclava when he woke the sleeping woman as she slept on her sofa.

He removed the mask before fleeing the East Lothian house when she called 999.

Just three days before, Yuill had been banned from approaching the woman after he was charged with a series of attacks on her and three other victims.

The woman told the High Court in Edinburgh : "He was obviously watching the house. I was terrified.

"He had his hand on my leg. I didn't know what he was thinking."

The woman said she knew Yuill had previously been arrested and was subject to court conditions not to come near her home. She said: "Clearly he has no regard for the law."

'Long-lasting impact'

The woman and three others were subjected to a series of brutal attacks by Yuill over a 17-year period between 2004 and 2021.

They took place in Dunbar, Haddington and Wallyford, in East Lothian, and in Edinburgh.

Yuill, formerly of Wallyford, was convicted of 21 offences, including nine rapes, an attempted rape and two indecent assaults. He was also found guilty of breaching bail by entering the woman's home in May 2021.

Sentencing him to 12 years in prison, judge Lady Wise described his attacks as "appalling" and added: "All four women were to some extent vulnerable."

Lady Wise said: "I have read a victim impact statement from one of the complainers which illustrates very clearly the long-lasting impact your behaviour has had on her."

The judge ordered that Yuill should be under supervision for a further four-year period after his release and could be returned to jail if he breaches his licence conditions.

Lady Wise made non-harassment orders banning Yuill indefinitely from contacting or attempting to contact the women.

She also placed Yuill on the sex offenders register for an indefinite period.

Following sentencing, Det Insp Laura White said: "Yuill subjected these women to horrific crimes and I would like to thank them for their co-operation as our investigations were ongoing. Hopefully today's verdict will allow them to move on from this part of their lives.

"I would urge anyone who has been the victim of sexual violence to come forward and report it to us, regardless of the passage of time. We, alongside partner agencies, will support you through the process, investigate thoroughly and bring those responsible to justice."

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