Northamptonshire 2024-06-06

Trevor Evans 46

Sex offender who ran into the street naked while brandishing a machete.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5876


Mendip Way, Little Stanion, Northamptonshire, NN18


A sex offender who ran into the street naked while brandishing a machete has been jailed.

Witnesses said Trevor Evans became aggressive after being told to turn down music coming from his flat in Little Stanion near Corby on 15 December.

Evans, 46, of Mendip Way, pleaded guilty to possession of a knife and also exposure with the intention of causing alarm or distress.

He was jailed for 16 months at Northampton Crown Court on 24 May.

Northamptonshire Police said Evans discarded the machete in a plant pot, where it was later found by officers.

Evans had already been given a three-year community order at Nottingham Crown Court on 6 November after being found guilty of one count of sexual activity in the presence of a child.

PC Hayley Wollacott said: "The judge in his previous case had made it very clear that any further criminal activity or breach of his sentence conditions would result in him going to jail."

She said Evans reacted in "the most extreme of ways" to being asked to be more considerate of his neighbours.

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