Northamptonshire 2024-06-06

Scott Bradshaw 52

Paedophile thought he was sending pornographic images to 15-year-old girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5870


Buckingham Close, Wellingborough, NN8


A sex offender caught chatting to a person he thought was an underage girl over a two month period has avoided a jail term.

Scott Bradshaw was exposed by a group of online paedophile hunters in February.

The 52-year-old of Buckingham Close, Wellingborough, thought he was talking to a girl aged 15 via voice notes and messages. But the messages had been intercepted by the group, who told police of their findings in February this year.

He was charged with attempting to cause a child to watch images of sexual activity for his own sexual gratification and attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child.

Bradshaw pleaded guilty to both offences at a hearing a Northampton Crown Court on May 28.

Appearing before Her Honour Judge Rebecca Crane, the court heard he had issues with drug dependency.

He was given a suspended prison sentence of 21 months and told that if he reoffends within two years he will have to serve the sentence behind bars.

He was also ordered to undertake nine months of mandatory drug testing, six months of mental health treatment and 45 rehabilitation requirement days.

The court also imposed a sexual harm prevention order for ten years during which Bradshaw will have to sign on the sex offenders’ register regularly at his local police station.

He will not be allowed to use any kind of online device without notifying his supervising officer of his PINs. He is banned from deleting his internet history or using any software that hides searches and will not be allowed to associate with any children under the age of 18.

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