Totton 2024-05-29

Paul Murphy 61

Assault by penetration of a child and one of inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity.

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Offender ID: O-5856


Totton, Hampshire


A CHILD abuse victim stayed silent about her ordeal because she blamed herself after her attacker tried to kill himself following one incident.

Salisbury Crown Court heard how the woman, who was only 12 at the time, did not tell anyone what had happened until years later.

She eventually told police that when Paul Murphy (61), from Totton, attempted suicide after the last time he abused her, she “blamed herself for it”.

The woman only finally disclosed what had happened to a friend at university. She then underwent years of therapy before feeling she could report Murphy to police.

In a victim impact statement read to the court she said: “It has been a long journey for me to get here.” The woman revealed how she had had had to “carry the weight” of what Murphy had done to her “for many years”.

She said she still suffers “flashbacks, anxiety and depression” from the abuse, which had happened nearly 20 years ago, adding “the effects have been long lasting”.

Murphy had denied two charges of assault by penetration of a child and one of inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity at a trial held at Salisbury Crown court but was found guilty by a jury. He appeared in court using a walking stick, with his arm in a sling and wearing burn dressings on his face.

The court heard that he was in ill health, having suffered prostate cancer and was still receiving treatment for burn injuries.

Defence barrister Ed Wilde said the defendant was “intensely sorry” for what he had done, adding that he had lost his “good character and his good name. He is sorry that his life has come to this”.

He added: “Prior to these matters he was in good standing in the local community, a supporter of the community, helping out where he could.”

Mr Wilde then read a character witness statement from a friend of the defendant which said: “I have known Paul as a friend for 30 years. Anything that has to be done Paul is there night and day. The elderly felt more secure when Paul was around for them.”

Judge Adam Feest KC said Murphy’s actions had a “long-lasting and significant effect” on his victim. He jailed Murphy for a total of nine years, with one to be served on licence. He was also given a sexual prevention order and will be on the sexual offenders register for life.

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