Flintshire 2024-05-21

Fiontan Greaney 35

Sex-offender who was caught once again with indecent images of children.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5830


Mold, Flintshire


A MOLD sex-offender who was caught once again with indecent images of children has been put behind bars.

Fiontan Greaney, of Bryn Heulog, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Tuesday for sentence.

The 35-year-old had previously admitted three offences of making indecent images of children; one each at categories A, B and C.

Karl Scholz, prosecuting, told the court that in February 2019, Greaney was sentenced for offences of the same nature and received a three-year community order.

However in November 2022, police conducted an unannounced home visit at Greaney's home and examined his devices.

Initial checks turned up filenames of concern, which led to the seizure of his computer and hard drives.

A forensic examination of the items revealed two still images at category A (the most serious), two images and three videos at category C and 313 images and six videos at category C.

Some 844 images indicative of a sexual interest in children were also found.

When Greaney was arrested in September last year, he protested his innocence and denied having been in possession, or having downloaded, any such images.

Trevor Parry Jones, defending, told the court: "Mr Greaney presents as an unusual character.

"He's one of those classic children who, whilst in the school system, required assistance.

"His mother is sitting in the court and she's understandably distraught.

"She believes, albeit he's never been formally diagnosed, he suffered ADHD.

"The only way she can put it is 'he is definitely on the spectrum' whatever that may mean."

Mr Parry Jones said his client also suffered mobility issues due to a muscular-skeletal problem.

"He keeps explaining he wishes to stop doing what he is doing because it's causing harm and upset to others," he continued.

"His mother told me there are positive steps he is taking and she believed he is beginning to understand the nuances of what he must do and not do."

He added that while his client had been attempting to set up a business and at the time of the hearing had the use of a smartphone and laptop, discussions had taken place about whether

Greaney should be completely deprived of the internet.

Judge Rhys Rowlands told the defendant: "At this court in 2019, you were made the subject of a community order. Attached were rehabilitation and programme requirements meant to address the risk you pose to young children.

"Sadly, you're now back before this court for three more offences.

"The pre-sentence report makes depressing reading.

"You continue to deny having any sexual interest in children.

"In view of your past offending, your continuing to offend whilst subject to a previous order and a clear lack of insight, I'm afraid I am driven to the view that adequate punishment can't be achieved in the community."

Overall, Greaney received a custodial sentence of 32 weeks.

He must register as a sex offender for 10 years and will be made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order for the same period of time.

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