Cornwall 2021-10-11

Andrew Opie 33

Paedophile groomed and sexually abused a teenage girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5649


Falmouth, Cornwall


A paedophile groomed and sexually abused a teenage girl after giving her a burner phone to keep the relationship secret from her family.

Andrew Opie, now 31, was 28 when he had sex with the then 14-year-old girl.

Opie, of Pool but previously of Falmouth, appeared at Truro Crown Court for sentence having pleaded guilty to two sexual activity with a child charges. Proceedings in the case had been significantly delayed after Opie repeatedly told the court he might have Covid, causing adjournments.

Prosecuting the case, Heather Hope described how in late 2018 the victim met Opie through a mutual friend. She believed they were in a relationship together and to ensure the relationship was not discovered Opie gave her a phone specifically for communication between them.

She had never had sex before but following a short period of grooming Opie had sex with her and did so again on another occasion.

Due to concerns over Opies involvement with young girls, police served a number of abduction notices, one of which was handed to the victims family after Opie and the victim were spotted in a park together.

They had also noticed her underwear hadnt been in for a wash and that she had received a Valentines Day card from Opie and it was then they spoke with her and she revealed what had happened.

Opie at first denied the relationship with the girl and then tried to blame someone else.

Representing Opie, Deni Matthews said: Although delayed he did enter a guilty plea and now accepts responsibility. The penny has finally dropped. He has a job in prison and wants to take the Horizons course to address his offending.

Sentencing Opie, Judge Simon Carr said: At aged 28 you formed a relationship with a 14-year-old girl. You met through friends and it is clear you groomed her saying she was special and you wanted a relationship.

You knew from the beginning what you were doing was wrong and provided her with a burner phone. The relationship became sexual relatively quickly.

Her family became concerned and what allowed her to break free was that her parents were told youd been served with an eighth abduction order, such was the concern about you and young girls.

Judge Carr said Opie presents a likely lifelong threat to children.

He was given an extended sentence of 10 years - six years custodial and four years extended licence. He was put on the sex offenders register for life and made subject of a sexual harm prevention order.

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