Bournemouth 2024-02-03

Tomasz Willmington 21

Caught with indecent images of children and animals just two months after being sentenced for sex offences.

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Offender ID: O-5627


Not reported.


A 21-YEAR-OLD man was caught with indecent images of children and animals just two months after being sentenced for sex offences.

Tomasz Willmington was found with the disturbing images by police who were monitoring his laptop.

The defendant was convicted in July 2022, and sentenced the following month, for five counts of similar offences relating to pornographic images of children.

Willmington was handed a three-year community order and made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order for ten years, allowing police to monitor his devices.

Prosecuting, Althea Brook, told Bournemouth Crown Court that officers were notified in October 2022 that the 21-year-old was accessing indecent material at his home on Northport Drive in Wareham.

When interviewed by police, the defendant admitted to the offences and later pleaded guilty.

Willingham appeared at Bournemouth Crown Court on February 2 to be sentenced for making indecent photos of a child and possessing a prohibited image of a child.

He was also charged with possessing an extreme pornographic image involving animals, specifically dogs.

Mitigating, Kevin Hill, said that Willmington is living at home with his mother and has since started working which is helping.

“He takes this very seriously and is very sorry that he committed this offence again.”

Judge Susan Evans KC noted that the defendant reoffended so soon after his first sentencing that he had not begun his rehabilitation programme.

However, since completing it, he has been making progress.

Judge Evans added that maintaining a job and working with others will improve his social isolation, which is relevant to his current offending.

“You are relatively young and are maturing,” said Judge Evans.

“There is no suggestion you have offended any further.”

Willmington was handed a sentence of 14 weeks, suspended for 15 months.

He must do 100 hours of unpaid work and will be given both a sexual harm prevention order and a sex offender notification order for seven years.

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