Newport 2023-12-21

Adrian Edwards 57

Tattooist who paid a teenage girl for sex in his tattoo parlour.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5577


Caerleon Road, Newport, NP19


A tattooist who paid a teenage girl for sex in his tattoo parlour has been jailed. He gave her a tattoo in exchange for sexual favours and later told police he was "killing two birds with one stone".

Adrian Edwards, 57, of Newport, was found guilty of two counts of paying a child for sex, and not guilty of one count. He claimed there was no monetary agreement between him and the then 16-year-old victim, and she was 18-years-old when they first slept together.

But this was disbelieved by a jury following a trial at Newport Crown Court in September, which heard Edwards had intercourse and oral sex with the girl on a number of occasions. Their first sexual encounter took place at the defendant's tattoo parlour in Caerphilly, after the victim "pestered" him for a tattoo and told him "I'll do anything".

During his remarks at a sentencing hearing on Thursday, Recorder Dyfed Thomas said: ""You took advantage of that child Mr Edwards, as she was a child at the ages of 16 and 17 for your own sexual gratification. You promised payment of money and had sexual activity with her which was alleged and found guilty by a jury. You knew as an older man with money she would go along with what you suggested."

In his opening of the case to the jury, prosecutor James Wilson described the encounter as a "cold transaction". He added: "(The defendant) took her into the piercing room, locked the doors, and started to touch her. He bent her over the piercing bed and put his penis inside her. Afterwards he laughed and asked her what tattoo she wanted."

The court was told Edwards paid the victim for sex regularly, and she used the cash to buy alcohol and hair extensions amongst other things. They continued to meet with each other after the defendant began working at one of the tattoo parlours he opened in Cardiff.

Mr Wilson said Edwards continued paying the complainant for sex after she turned 18-years-old, but the jury were only concerned with the events prior to her 18th birthday. The victim contacted the police in 2019 and was interviewed about her allegations towards the defendant.

Edwards, of Caerleon Road, Newport, was invited to a voluntary interview with police which he attended. He claimed the girl asked him for money on a number of occasions before they had sex, and he had given £100. He told police: "She was all over me, she would come up, stroke me and kiss me, all kinds of things. I thought 'She obviously wants more money'.

The defendant described their relationship as "completely clinical". He described himself having a "high sex drive" and admitted to using prostitutes in the past. It was alleged he told police that sex between himself and the complainant was "consensual" and he paid her some of the time, and added: "No words were exchanged, it was an understanding.

Later in the interview, he told police he was "disgusted with himself" but didn't see what he was doing was wrong as "it was like a prostitute". He added: "It was killing two birds with one stone, passion and helping her out with money."

Edwards has a number of previous convictions including theft by an employee in 1984, tattooing a person under 18 in 2016, and other offences including matters of dishonesty, driving offences, theft and handling stolen goods.

In mitigation, defence barrister Julia Cox referred to her client's character and the work he had done with sporting bodies. She said: "He'd been involved with charitable organisations and involved with reputable sporting bodies not only towards his socialisation but his positive impact on others. He travelled the country taking part in darts tournaments and organised events on their behalf working closely with the national bodies."

Ms Cox also referred to the defendant's ill health, having suffered a stroke at a young age and has diabetes. She said the victim would have been able to legally consent to sex as she was not under the age of consent.

Sentencing, Recorder Thomas said the defendant continued to deny the offences, and minimised his actions by claiming the victim was over 18 at the time of the offences. It was said Edwards did not accept his actions would have caused harm, and referred tothe victim as a "liar and untrustworthy".

The judge added: "It's clear from reading the (pre sentence) report you think of yourself as the victim in this case. There's no remorse that has been expressed that would have been a mitigating feature but it's singularly absent in this case....

Edwards was sentenced to 28 months imprisonment. He was also made subject to a restraining order for 10 years.

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