Rotherham 2024-02-19

Jonathan Ward 22

Convicted of sexual activity with a child under 16.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5319


No fixed address.


She had been at home when he persuaded her to leave in the night and join him in his Jaguar car.

Jonathan Ward, aged 22, had denied the allegation against him throughout an investigation by South Yorkshire Police.

He went on trial for the offence at Sheffield Crown Court, but on the second day of the hearing changed his plea and admitted that he was guilty of sexual activity with a child.

Ward, of no fixed abode, was convicted of sexual activity with a child under 16 (penetration) and was locked up by a judge.

South Yorkshire Police said he had known his victim for over a year. After he took the opportunity to exploit the her, he left her petrified. She then retunred home.

Details of the offence emerged because the victim was brave enough to confide in a member of her family, whyich resulted in the start of a police investigation.

As part of the investigation DNA was recovered from the victim’s clothes and was matched to Ward.

He was sentenced on Tuesday, February 6, when he was sentenced to 10 months in prison, ordered to pay a £228 victim surcharge and placed on the sex offenders’ register for ten years. He was also given a restraining order, meaning he is not allowed contact with the victim for ten years.

Victims of sexual offences are granted anonymity for life.

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