Cambridgeshire 2024-02-15

Arturas Opulskis 41

Sexually assaulted a young girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5306


No fixed address.


A man who sexually assaulted a young girl in Wisbech has been jailed.

Arturas Opulskis, 41, assaulted the girl in the town between 2016 and 2018.

The sexual assault came to light in 2021 after the girl told a friend and then confided in a trusted adult.

Police were contacted and Opulskis was arrested.

He denied any sexual assault.

In September, Opulskis, of no fixed abode, was unanimously found guilty of assaulting a girl under 13 by penetration following a trial at Peterborough Crown Court.

On Friday (9 February) at the same court he was jailed for eight years.

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