Solihull 2018-01-10

James Duffield 40

Former West Midlands Police constable and ex-serviceman who downloaded sickening child pornography films.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5302


Solihull, Knowle & Dorridge


A former West Midlands Police constable and ex-serviceman who downloaded sickening child pornography films has escaped going to jail.

Father-of-two James Duffield, who told police he had been sexually assaulted as a child, was found to have pictures of children as young as four on his laptop.

Duffield, 34, from Solihull, had previously admitted three charges of making indecent images.

He was handed a 12-month suspended sentence.

Philip Brunt, prosecuting at Birmingham Crown Court, said Duffield downloaded 106 movies of categories A, B and C.

“The police received information that an IP address had been downloading indecent images,” he said.

“As a result, a warrant was issued to attend and search that address on August 23 last year.

“They attended in the early hours of the morning, knocked on the door and went inside.

“They recovered a large number of internet-enabled devices.

“In particular they were interested in two laptop computers.

“It was on the laptop computers that the indecent images were found.

“There is also evidence on the computers of various search terms such as ‘Paedo Mum’.”

Mr Brunt said the images had been accessed between December and April 2015.

When quizzed, Duffield – who quit as a policeman before he was sentenced – initially said he had downloaded films and other items but never knowingly indecent images.

But he later made a full confession.

Mr Brunt said: “He commented in that interview that he himself had been abused as a child and that led, in some part, to his accessing the images.

“He did make revelations that were investigated by the local police force but that investigation led nowhere.”

Mr Brunt said the ages of the children who were abused ranged from four to ten and the longest movie was 17 minutes.

Passing sentence, Judge Simon Drew QC said: “You had a career in the services and also in the police force and, at the time of the commission, of these offences you were a serving police officer.

“You are one of the least people one would expect to be before the court for offences of this sort.

“The real gravamen of these offences is not your conduct but the impact on those who appear in those images.”

But the judge accepted the future risk he posed was relatively low.

Adrian Keeling QC, defending, said: “Duffield was abused when he was younger.

“He made no complaint at the time and therefore received no help or assistance.

“The first time he came cross any of these images was on file sharing software and it chimed with what happened to him.

“He has already suffered quite a heavy degree of punishment.

“First he had lost his good name and secondly he has lost his job.

“He resigned immediately.

“That has caused financial strains and pressures upon his family which hurt him deeply.”

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