Yorkshire 2020-06-15

Robert Brady 83

Sick pensioner who sexually abused three boys.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5282


Springfield Avenue, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17


A sick pensioner who sexually abused three boys has been jailed for nearly 20 years.

One of Robert Brady's victims repeatedly tried to take his own life after years of abuse including rape.

The determined pervert groomed two other victims with cash and even molested one of them after being released on police bail.

The 79-year-old, of Springfield Avenue, Batley, was jailed for 19-and-a-half years on Monday after admitting 11 charges in relation to historic and recent child sex abuse.

Jailing Brady, Judge Robin Mairs told him "You have nothing but callous disregard for the pain, both physical and mental, that you inflict on your victims."

Prosecutor Matthew Bean said the abuse of the first victim became penetrative and more violent over time. Speaking about one incident, the judge said: "This was degrading, violent and systemic abuse of a young child."

The victim began physically defending himself as he got older and stronger. On the final occasion, the victim bit Brady's penis. Brady reacted by assaulting him but did not sexually abuse him again. Leeds Crown Court heard the victim tried to take his own life a number of times. 

The judge said: "Those I am quite satisfied were real suicide attempts. That is the catastrophic effect of child abuse."

After the first time Brady sexually abused the second victim, he gave him £5 and told him that if he did not tell anyone he would get more money.

The next time Brady saw the boy he tried to rape him and gave him £20. The victim told him: "Get off. It burns." Brady replied: "That's what you get."

On another occasion, Brady got the second victim and another teenager alone together and told them they had 'the best two bums in Batley'. He abused them in front of each other and gave them £80.

The second victim's mother noticed that her son had topped up his Xbox Live account with £80 and asked where the money came from. The boys were honest about the abuse.

She confronted the defendant and he admitted what he had done. 

Police were called and an investigation began. Brady made no comment in his police interview.

He was released on police bail but just two-and-a-half months later he got one of the boys alone and sexually assaulted him again. Brady gave the boy £150 this time and told him that he would hurt him if he told anyone.

Again, the victim spent the money on Xbox credit, his mother noticed and she confronted the defendant. The defendant admitted that he had seen the boy but denied sexually abusing him on this occasion. She told him she was contacting police again and he said: "F**k off."

He made no comment in his second police interview.

The first victim went to police after learning that the abuse of the other victims had been reported to the police. He told police that not being believed by the adult who he had told about the abuse left him feeling defeated.

In relation to the first victim, Brady pleaded guilty to three counts of indecent assault, two counts of rape and one count of gross indecency.

In relation to the second and third victim, he pleaded guilty to three counts of assault by penetration, one count of attempted rape and one count of attempted assault by penetration. He has no previous convictions.

Kate Batty, mitigating, said the defendant is aware of the 'very real likelihood' that he will never be released from custody. She asked the judge to reduce her client's sentence to reflect his guilty pleas.

Brady, who appeared in court via video link from Leeds prison, was also made subject to an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

Police statement
PC Alexis Stansfield, of Kirklees District Child Safeguarding Unit, who led the investigation, said:  "Robert Brady committed appalling acts against young and vulnerable victims who were in no position to defend themselves and we are pleased to see him receive a substantial sentence in court for his crimes.

"He has clearly still posed a huge danger to children will into his later 70s and is without doubt a significantly predatory offender.

"This was a harrowing investigation and I wish to pay tribute to the victims who had the courage to support our enquiries and help put this very dangerous man behind bars.

"I'm pleased his guilty plea spared them seeing the case taken to trial and hope they may gain some comfort from seeing Brady brought to justice, knowing he has received such a significant prison sentence at such a late stage in his life."

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