Somerset 2022-01-25

Harley Palmer 29

Pizza takeaway worker groomed and sexually abused two children.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5230


Friarn Avenue, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6


Predatory paedophile Harley Palmer, 27, targeted the young boys and molested them when they were alone.

He would buy his terrified victims gifts in order to buy their silence.

He was described at Taunton Crown Court as a dangerous and 'manipulative' abuser with a sexual interest in young boys.

His victims, aged nine and 13, were initially too scared to tell anyone what had happened and feared they would not be believed.

When the offences did come to light earlier this year Palmer initially denied doing anything wrong and described himself as a 'cuddly person' who would just tickle the children. But police found naked images of a child on his phone and he pleaded guilty to four offences.

Palmer was jailed five years and three months with an extra extended licence period of four years imposed due to the danger he poses to children.

The parents of one of the victims said in a statement they were 'devastated' by what he had done and he had destroyed their son's childhood.

The teenage victim said he still had nightmares.

Mr Harry Ahuja, defending, said Palmer was immature for his age, anxious, confused about his sexuality and sorry.

Palmer, of Friarn Avenue, Bridgwater, pleaded guilty to two offences of sexual activity with a child under 13 and two charges relating to the indecent pictures.

He was put on the sex offender register for life

Recorder Philip Mott QC told the defendant: "What took place was classic grooming behaviour by you.

"You are described as a manipulative person and a high risk of causing serious harm to pre-pubescent boys."

Palmer must serve two-thirds of his five years and three months sentence in jail before he can be considered for release by the parole board.

Recorder Mott said: "It is quite clear from the victim personal statements that there has been a serious psychological effect on the children.

He added: "It is very important to say to the two victims you are not to blame for anything that happened. It was not your fault.

"To your parents this is perhaps your worst nightmare and what your children need now is calmness, and above all love. For you to be strong and not to allow fear and anger to turn into a prison for your children."

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