Swansea 2024-01-10

Henry Wilson 59

Raped and abused a young girl for a decade starting when she was five.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5145


Matthew Street, Swansea, Wales, SA1


A man who subjected a young girl to a decade of rapes and sexual assaults has been given an extended 16 year sentence. Henry Wilson began to abuse his victim when she was aged just five.

Swansea Crown Court heard details of the impact Wilson's offending has had on his victim, and police have praised the bravery of the female in coming forward to report what happened while acknowledging that no sentence can give the victim her childhood back.

Henry Steven Wilson, aged 59, of Matthew Street, Dyfatty, Swansea, had previously pleaded guilty to multiple counts of rape of a child, indecency, and indecent assault when he appeared in the dock for sentencing. His victim has life-long legal anonymity.

With a discount for his guilty plea Wilson was given a 16 year extended sentence as an "offender of particular concern" comprising 15 years in prison followed by a one-year extended licence period. The defendant must serve two-thirds of the custodial element of the sentence before he can apply for release but it will be for the Parole Board to determine if he is safe to be released. Wilson will be on the sex offenders register for the rest of his life, and was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order to control his access to children.

Speaking after the sentencing South Wales Police detective constable Rebecca Williams, the officer in the case, said: "Henry Wilson’s crimes are appalling, disturbing, and upsetting. It is clear he poses a real and significant risk to children. I know that no sentence can make up for the devastating damage he has caused and give this brave victim their childhood back, but I really do hope that they can now start to rebuild their life knowing they are safe from their abuser.

"I would like to publicly praise the victim who has demonstrated a huge amount of dignity and incredible strength supporting this investigation. They should be proud of their courage which means that Henry Wilson is now behind bars for a significant amount of time."

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