Yorkshire 2023-04-29

Oliver Goddard 22

Pervert pinned an underage girl to the ground as he attempted to rape her.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-5090


Durham Road, Redcar, North Yorkshire, TS10


A pervert pinned an underage girl to the ground as he attempted to rape her in a horrific sexual assault on a Teesside beach.

Oliver Goddard was 19-years-old when he sexually assaulted and tried to rape a teenager while hidden amongst the tall grass on Redcar beach. His "helpless" victim was only able to get away after Goddard was spooked by a phone call from her father during the terrifying attack.

In a heartbreaking victim impact statement, the girl spoke of how she was terrified to leave the house and couldn't go anywhere alone. She turned to self-harm and still has panic attacks almost three years on from the assault.

Teesside Crown Court heard how Goddard, who is now 21, had met the teen for a walk where they spoke about how the vulnerable girl was struggling with a stressful time. They arranged to meet the following day and they walked along the beach until they lay down in a section surrounded by tall grass.

As they spoke, Goddard kept moving her legs across his body and when she moved them he'd get angry with her and put them back. Summarising the case, Judge Paul Reid said: "You began kissing her neck and she kept trying to move away from you."

He put his hand behind her neck so she couldn't pull away. The sexual assault continued and he pushed her down, hands around her neck so she had her head on the ground.

"She was scared. There was nothing she could do," said Judge Reid. "You were much older than her and much bigger than she was.

"You were disturbed by her phone ringing - it was her father. You jumped up and this time she was able to get away and left."

Goddard, of Durham Road, Redcar, was found guilty by a jury of attempted rape, sexual assault and engaging in sexual communication with a child.


In a victim impact statement, read out by prosecutor Robin Turton, the teenager said: "I couldn't sleep as well as I could before what happened - it was going over and over in my head. It went on for some time, I went to the doctors and was prescribed anti-depressants.

"I had a phobia of leaving the house and I needed to be with someone all the time." The court heard the teenager's education was affected as she struggled to return to school and when she did found it difficult to stay in lessons.

She began to self-harm and said: "It's been almost three years and I still have panic attacks." She also can't go to the beach as it causes flashbacks.

Goddard had claimed the sexual activity was consensual and said in evidence that he believed she was 16 - claiming he only told police he thought she was younger because he was "forced".

Robert Mochrie, mitigating, said: "This is his first experience before the courts. He himself suffers psychological ailments and has been diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder. It is something he has to live with and work with to move forward."

The court heard there was a "significant difference in age" and the author of a pre-sentence report commented that he was in denial and had "little victim empathy". After the attack, he text the teenager and apologised blaming an injection which gives him too much testosterone.

He also told her that if she told anybody he would kill himself but the girl bravely spoke up and disclosed what had happened. Goddard had also sent nude pictures of himself to the girl.

Judge Reid said he believed Goddard did pose a significant risk and handed the defendant an extended sentence "to protect the public in the future". Goddard was jailed for seven years and will serve an additional three years on licence. An indefinite restraining order and notification requirement - sex offenders' register - was made.

Goddard heard he must serve two thirds of his sentence before he will be considered for release. Investigating officer Catherine McKenzie said: Firstly Id like to praise the victim in this case for her courage in coming forward and throughout the judicial proceedings.

"Goddard preyed on a teenage girl who was sexually assaulted before he tried to rape her. He took advantage of the young girl and pleaded not guilty throughout the trial.

"He will now he will spend a significant time behind bars due to his actions. Any victims of sexual assault or sexual offences can contact the police with the confidence that they will be believed and supported and that a thorough investigation will be carried out.

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