Merseyside 2022-11-11

Simon Tunstall 46

Pervert used a hidden camera to spy on a teenage girl and stream live video of her to his mobile phone.

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Offender ID: O-4755


Fleet Lane, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA9


A pervert used a hidden camera to spy on a teenage girl and stream live video of her to his mobile phone.

Simon Tunstall, 45, set up the camera, which sent moving images of the girl to his mobile phone for approximately four weeks in May 2019. He initially denied the offences but later pleaded guilty to voyeurism and the production of indecent images of a child.

After being arrested, Tunstall's mobile phone was searched and a link to a camera was found, as well as four images of the girl in various states of undress. Tunstall, of Fleet Lane, St Helens, was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday (November 11).

Prosecuting, Cheryl Mottram said Tunstall admitted he set up the camera after he was caught but denied it was for his sexual gratification. He initially pleaded not guilty to the offences but later changed his plea.

An impact statement from the victim was read to the court. It said Tunstall's acts "traumatised" her, and meant she has been "constantly on edge" since. The victim attempted to end her life due to depression she suffered after the incident.

She said: "I don't think I'll ever recover from the problems that Simon's actions have caused me". The statement continued: "I never wanted to be a victim but Simon has made me one".

Defending, Paul Becker said Tunstall "feels deep shame about his actions" and "understands the trauma and impact it has had on his victim". The barrister pointed to his client's lack of previous convictions, guilty plea and an "impressive work record" in mitigation, also telling the court Tunstall suffers with depression and anxiety.

Sentencing, Judge Gary Woodhall told Tunstall: "You installed a secret camera" and "did it for your own sexual gratification". The judge added the images were: "Sent to an email address called 'Size11', a reference to the size of your penis".

He told Tunstall: "You are struggling presently to accept your motivations for it" and said he needed to accept his motive was sexual. The judge added that the victim's "whole world came crashing down" after the offences and her mental health had deteriorated to a level where she "felt it necessary to take her own life."

The judge pointed to the length of time between the offences taking place and Monday's proceedings - essentially placing Tunstall under the terms of a suspended sentence during the last three years as he waited to be sentenced. He also said he was of previous good character and showed remorse for his actions.

However, Judge Woodhall was satisfied that only an immediate jail term would suffice as punishment. He jailed Tunstall for 12 months. The 45-year-old will also have to sign a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order and was handed a restraining order, keeping him away from the victim.

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