Swansea 2023-10-09

Adrian Gravell 46

Rapist subjected vulnerable woman to 'uncontrolled sexual violence'.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4736


Llysgwyn Terrace, Pontarddulais, Swansea, SA4


A man raped a vulnerable woman after pushing his way into her house at night, a court has heard. A judge said she believed Adrian Gravell was aware of his victim's vulnerabilities and had subjected her to "uncontrolled sexual violence" once through the front door.

Making the defendant subject to an extended sentence as a dangerous offender a judge said he had carried out a "swift and brutal" attack on the woman. And she said she had no doubt he had been sexually excited by the "dominance" he was exerting over his victim during the incident.

Swansea Crown Court heard the offending took place in March this year at an address in the Swansea area. The 45-year-old defendant exposed his penis to his victim before raping her. When he had finished attacking the woman, who is in her 60s, he told her they should keep the incident "to themselves". In a victim personal statement which was read to the court the woman said she did not know if she would ever fully recover from what happened. She said the rape had "changed me forever", adding: "This man and his attack on me has totally destroyed my life."

Adrian Paul Gravell, of Llys Gwyn Terrace, Pontarddulais, Swansea, had previously been convicted at trial of exposure and rape when he returned to the dock for sentencing. He has previous convictions for three counts of exposure from 2006. Those offences involved him exposing his genitals to women from the cab of a van while working as a delivery driver. Ieuan Rees, for Gravell, said over the last 20 years the defendant had been a "reliable individual holding down a responsible job and behaving in the way responsible citizens do" and he said his client's wife was standing by him.

Judge Catherine Richards said Gravell had been aware of the victim's vulnerabilities and she told the defendant she had no doubt he had been "sexually excited by the dominance you were exerting of her". The judge noted his previous convictions for exposure were in 2006 but she said his "predatory behaviour had lain dominant" for several years before he carried out the "swift and brutal" attack on a lone woman in her own home. She said an extended sentence was necessary to protect the public. Gravell was given a 15-year extended sentence comprising 10 years in custody followed by a five-year licence period. He must serve two-thirds of the custodial element of the sentence before he can apply for release but it will be for the Parole Board to determine if he is safe to be released. The defendant will be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life.

Speaking after the sentencing South Wales Police detective constable Penny Romanello said: "This was a horrific sexual assault on a vulnerable woman, and no one should ever be made to feel unsafe or at risk in their own home. Adrian Gravell denied the offences however the evidence gathered by our team and crucially the account given by the victim meant the jury could see through his lies and found him guilty.

"The victim in this case showed real courage, not only in reporting him to police but throughout the investigation. I also want to commend her bravery and strength as her determination to see this through has ensured we were able to secure the conviction. I hope the sentencing encourages others who may have been the victim of sexual assault - or knows someone who has been a victim - to come forward and speak to our specialist teams. All reports will be treated seriously and with the sensitivity they deserve, and we will ensure you are provided with all available support."

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