West Sussex 2023-10-11

Daniel Williams 51

Former maintenance engineer preyed on a young girl in his care as a scouts leader.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4725


Hassocks, West Sussex, Mid Sussex, BN6


Sussex Police said former maintenance engineer Daniel Williams, 51, ‘preyed on a young girl in his care’ as a scouts leader in Sussex.

“At Lewes Crown Court on October 9, he appeared for sentencing after admitting assaulting the child by penetration at an earlier hearing,” a police spokesperson added.

Williams – formerly of an address in Hassocks – was a scout leader for more than ten years and ‘committed the offence while acting in this role’, police said.

The spokesperson added: “He also admitted three counts of possessing indecent images of children.

“The court sentenced Williams to a term of five years in prison and an additional year on licence to make a six year sentence in total.

“It means Williams will not be automatically released half way through his sentence.”

Williams was made the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order to restrict his access to children, and will be a registered sex offender for life.

Speaking after the case, Detective Constable Dan Griffiths from the Safeguarding Investigations Unit said: “The victim in this case showed tremendous courage to come forward and report what had happened.

“She and her family received support from specially-trained officers.

“Daniel Williams is a dangerous offender who used his trusted position to enable his offending. He has abused that trust in the most abhorrent manner.

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