Northamptonshire 2023-10-12

Elando Parsi 32

Sex offender sent back to prison after allowing tracker to go flat.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4722


Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13


A registered sex offender from Northamptonshire has been sent back to prison after he breached his sexual harm prevention order by allowing his tracker to go flat.

Elando Parsi, previously of Brackley, had a sexual harm prevention order in place until August 2, 2025, meaning he had to abide by a number of conditions, including wearing a Buddi Tracker at all times – a device which allows Northamptonshire Police to monitor where he is.

When the tracker was fitted, Parsi was shown how to charge the device and had it impressed upon him the consequences of not wearing it, police say.

However, at the end of August this year, he allowed the device to go flat on four separate occasions, resulting in his arrest.

Lead Investigator – PC Gemma Glover said: “Elando Parsi was the first case in which we managed to make wearing a Buddi tracker part of his sexual harm prevention order, and it just goes to show the very severe consequences of him choosing to let its charge run out.

“I am really pleased that he has been sent back to prison as it sends a strong message to other registered sex offenders that breaches will not be tolerated by Northamptonshire Police.”

Parsi was charged with four counts of breaching his sexual harm prevention order and after pleading guilty to the offences at Northampton Magistrates’ Court on August 31 this year, he returned to Northampton Crown Court yesterday (October 11) where he was sentenced to one year and five months in prison.

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