Flint 2023-10-02

Ben Gleeson 36

Sexual communication with young girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4691


Bryn Derw, Flint, Flintshire, CH6


A FLINT man has been branded a sex offender and put behind bars after asking a young girl for sexual pictures of herself.

Ben Gleeson, of Bryn Derw in Flint, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Monday via video link from HMP Berwyn.

The 36-year-old had been convicted at a previous hearing of engaging in sexual communication with a child.

John Wyn Williams, prosecuting, told the court that the victim had been contacted by Gleeson via social media.

She became upset and spoke to her mother after the defendant made sexualised comments and asked her to send him indecent images of herself.

The messages were reported to the police and when he was arrested, Gleeson made no comment.

Mold Crown Court heard how Gleeson initially pleaded not guilty, but then changed his plea on the day of trial.

He then tried to 'play the system' - postponing the sentencing date by several weeks by having a further change of heart and claiming he was innocent, telling the author of his pre-sentence report as such, and that he intended to apply to vacate his guilty plea.

However, the application wasn't made and according to Max Saffman, defending, Gleeson had finally accepted his guilt.

Mr Saffman told the court: "It was a slightly different Mr Gleeson who was in denial when the pre-sentence report was prepared.

"Alcohol has been at the root of all of his offending including the vast majority of his previous convictions.

"It's something he has struggled with for the entirety of his adult life.

"But he's been in custody for four weeks now and he sees things clearer."

Mr Saffman urged the court to step back from immediate custody, explaining his client wished to use the month he'd already served as a "platform" to "move on from."

He suggested there was a realistic prospect of rehabilitation, and that impositions by the court such as a restraining order and notification requirements would safeguard the victim and wider public.

But Judge Rhys Rowlands disagreed, telling Gleeson: "I've read your pre-sentence report, and I'm bound to say it makes depressing reading.

"Despite what Mr Saffman says about you having some insight, I see that with some scepticism.

"I can't ignore the way you have tried to play the system; entering not guilty pleas, changing your mind at the last moment and thereafter blaming your solicitor and saying you weren't guilty, all of which shows precious little remorse on your part."

The Judge said Gleeson's crimes were too serious for anything other than an immediate custodial sentence, jailing him for 10 months.

Gleeson was also sentenced for two other offences - criminal damage and common assault - both of which received no separate penalty given the sexual communication was taken as the lead offence.

He must sign on as a sex offender for 10 years. A restraining order was put in place for five years to protect the victim.

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