Bideford 2019-03-14

Francis McDermott 80

Catholic priest guilty of abusing six children in the 1970s.

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Offender ID: O-4659


Atlantic Way, Westward Ho, Bideford, Devon, EX39


A Catholic priest has been jailed for nine years and 11 months after being found guilty of abusing six children in the 1970s.

Francis McDermott, 75, of Westward Ho in Bideford, abused six victims, some as young as 10, in London, Norwich, and High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, between 1971 and 1978, Aylesbury Crown Court heard.

Two of his victims read statements during Thursday's sentencing hearing which recounted the "devastating impact" he had on their lives.

One said: "I hate you. There is no one to blame but you," while another described how her family had all been "married and baptised by a disgusting monster".

Judge Catherine Tulk told McDermott he had "turned down so many opportunities to admit your wrongdoing".

She noted the irony that one of the central tenets of the Catholic Church was confession.

The offences were reported to the church on two separate occasions but were not passed on to police after McDermott denied the allegations, the court heard.

McDermott was found guilty of 18 counts of historic child sex offences following a trial.

Trevor Burke QC, defending McDermott, said the defendant had been a Catholic priest "all his adult life" but said "for a period of seven years where he had completely lost his way".   

A woman who was sexually abused by McDermott when she was aged just 12 thought she was in love and never suspected his actions were wrong.

Eleanor, now in her 50s, was reeling from a family tragedy when Father Francis McDermott came into her life and began abusing her over an 18-month period.

The 74-year-old was convicted of 18 sexual offences against children in the 1970s after a trial at Aylesbury Crown Court.

The first time he kissed her he was lying on a sofa in her family home and asked her for a cuddle, Eleanor recalled, but he soon progressed to touching her intimately under her clothes.

Eleanor, whose name has been changed for legal reasons, said: "I fell in love with him and I thought that he loved me... I would feel a bit upset if he ignored me around other people, because I thought that I was special, that I was with him, he was mine I suppose."

One of six victims, Eleanor "never dreamed" he was doing anything to other children.

She only realised what had happened to her was wrong when, five years later, her then-partner reacted with shock when she told him who she had shared her first kiss with.

She said: "He didn't know what to do with that information. He was angry, he was confused. It was horrendous.

"And I just stood there and I can remember even now just standing there being totally bewildered because as far as I knew it wasn't wrong. I didn't ever suspect that anything that went on between me and Frank was wrong.

"I just didn't know what to do with that person's reaction, I didn't know why it was wrong, I didn't know whether to feel bad about it, it was just like a massive explosion in my head."

Eleanor, who went on to marry her partner, said a "black shadow" had always loomed over their relationship because of the previous abuse.

he said: "You shut your eyes and it was like Frank was there, not my husband, it was just horrible."

Eleanor said she reported the abuse first to her church, and then to police five years later in 2002.

Initially she did not want to take the matter further, but when Thames Valley Police got in touch in 2017 saying they were investigating McDermott she was determined to work with them.

She believes she was the only one of McDermott's victims to testify against her abuser in court without a screen.

Describing her experience, she said: "I decided not to have the screen, it wasn't because that enabled me to look at Frank, but I just wanted to be empowered with that, I wanted to let him know that he didn't have that hold over me, and that I had done nothing wrong.

"I did think about having a screen but for me I wanted to then return to the court...I wanted to be in the area where he was having to deal with the past and what evilness he had done. And I just wanted to be in the place where that was happening."

She added: "At times I felt sick to my stomach because it brought back things about my childhood and that part of me that I'll never have back, I'll never know what might have been for me, if this had not have happened."

Eleanor said McDermott's denial and lack of remorse was upsetting, and hopes he will spend the rest of his life in jail.

She feels that his jail sentence will prompt her to seek further counselling as she believes it will cause feelings of anger to surface.

She said: "At the moment I can't forgive him for what he did to me and the others. It's horrendous the impact that something like this has, not only on yourself but the people around you, your family, your friends."

But, she added: "I won't let him ruin my life, it hasn't ruined my life, it's made me very, very sad and I think I've missed out on things, but I'm not going to let him hold me down."

After the sentencing an NSPCC spokesperson said: “McDermott used his trusted position as a priest to not only groom children but also their families in order to commit sickening abuse.

“He probably thought he had long got away with his vile crimes but the young people he manipulated and abused all those years ago have today helped put him behind bars.

“Their courage shows that it is never too late to report abuse and for victims who may have suffered for years in silence to come forward and get support.”

Detective Constable Catriona Cameron, of the Child Abuse Investigation Department in Aylesbury police station, said after the trial: “Francis McDermott was a priest in the Catholic Church held in high regard and was a trusted member of the community. He used his position to befriend children for his own sexual gratification.

“The six victims in this case bravely came forward to report the abuse they suffered more than 40 years ago. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their courage and support of this investigation.

“They have been put through the trauma of a trial adding extra distress to them, and McDermott showed no remorse.

“Thames Valley Police will always take reports of any sexual offence seriously and will investigate reports thoroughly whether these are recent or non-recent.

“I hope this is the start of a healing process for all those involved.”

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