Aylesbury 2023-08-31

Mike Martin 34

Guilty of committing sexual offences against children.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4539


Not reported.


A 34 year old man from Aylesbury has been jailed after being found guilty of committing sexual offences against children.

Following a 16 day trial at St Albans Crown Court in May of this year, Mike Martin  was found guilty of nine counts of sexual activity with a child, which related to two vulnerable girls.

On Thursday 31 August, Martin appeared back at St Albans Crown Court, where he was sentenced to 11 years in prison. He will also be on the Sex Offenders Register for life and subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

Both victims were young teenagers living in the Dacorum area of Hertfordshire when they first met and were groomed by Martin. The first offences date back to 2012, when Martin was 23 years old.

Commenting on the case DC Vicky Draper from the Child Sexual Exploitation Unit said: “This was a complex and protracted investigation, with both victims being supported by specialist officers from our HALO team and we commend them for their bravery in agreeing to take part in the investigation.

“Perpetrators like Mike Martin pray on vulnerable girls, be-friending them when they need help and support and then abusing the trust they have built up with them, to take advantage of them sexually.

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