Lancashire 2023-09-06

Thomas Charleston 33

Sex offender raped a woman while believing she was asleep.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4526


Victoria Street, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5


A RAPIST who attempted to blame his crime on an undiagnosed sleep disorder called sexsomnia has been jailed for six years.

At Carlisle Crown Court, a judge said that 32-year-old Thomas Charleston targeted his victim when she was vulnerable and then showed no remorse as he attempted to defend and explain his actions during a trial.

A jury rejected his claim, convicting him of rape and a serious sexual assault. Charleston committed the offence while staying in caravan park accommodation in the Lake District in 2019, the court heard.

On the day of the offences, the defendant had spent the day drinking, and it was clear he had consumed a considerable amount of alcohol, said Judge Nicholas Barker.

When he carried out the attack, Charleston believed his victim, who had also been drinking, was asleep and as he left the room where he raped her he kissed her and said: Good night, pretty.

She was immediately distressed and reported what happed to a security guard, who in turn contacted the police.

During the trial, Charleston did not deny her testimony but said he was suffering from sexsomnia, a condition where people have sex while in deep REM sleep. He claimed this had made him completely unaware of his actions.

When he was initially interviewed by police he was asked if he had any history of doing what he did that night, to which he said no, and if he had any medical conditions, to which he stated hayfever.

He did not mention sleepwalking or sexsomnia.

Describing the impact on the victim, Judge Barker said her statement clearly demonstrated the continuing and destructive impact of the rape. She has suffered significantly, the judge told Charleston. She finds it almost impossible to countenance the idea that she could trust a man again and have a meaningful relationship.

You are responsible for that; its your actions with caused that.

As well as jailing the defendant, whose address was given as Victoria Street, Accrington, the judge placed him on the Sex Offender Register indefinitely and imposed a restraining order banning any contact with the victcim.

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