Manchester 2023-06-26

Faisal Khan 21

Paedophile who plied a schoolgirl with cannabis and repeatedly sexually abused her.

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Offender ID: O-4478


Milne Street, Chadderton, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL9


A paedophile who plied a schoolgirl with cannabis and repeatedly sexually abused her after meeting on Snapchat has been jailed.

Faisal Khan, 20, met up with the girl ‘nearly every day’ and had an ‘intense sexual relationship’ with her, Manchester Crown Court previously heard.

The pair initially met on Snapchat via one of the girl’s friends. Khan complimented her and told her she was ‘pretty’, before meeting up with her in person and giving her cannabis.

He would tell her to meet him in a nearby park because he was ‘clearly concerned her mum would find out’, prosecutor Ben Lawrence said.

They shared more than 3,000 messages on the social media platform and Khan 'made her feel special'. He told the schoolgirl that he loved her and they shared kisses and heart emojis on Snapchat. He also provided her with cannabis, alcohol and nitrus oxide balloons.

The victim described not knowing whether he was her boyfriend or not but that the relationship had turned from something “cute” to “sour”.

At one stage he suggested they could spend time in a hotel room together, and said he would 'f*** her hard'. "He knew full well she was a schoolgirl," Mr Lawrence said.

Prosecutors said that he would have known she was still at school because she told him about incidents in her education, and even picked her up from school.

On one occasion the girl went to Khan's home and they had sex while his father was asleep in another room in the house.

And on another occasion, he picked up the girl and her younger brother, giving them both alcohol and drugs to ‘stop the brother from snitching’.

The court heard that during one incident when she became jealous of him picking another girl up in his car, she called him a ‘paedophile’ and in response he slapped her.

In a message to her, he said: “ you can stay with me and no one gets caught.”

The police became involved after a teacher at the girl's school noticed a 'sexual image' on her phone.

At trial, Khan denied having any sexual contact with the girl. He admitted he'd met up with her three times, but said at most he had kissed her on the cheek. He told police the girl had never mentioned being at school and claimed he thought she was in college.

In April this year, following a trial at Manchester Crown Court, he was convicted of three counts of having sexual activity with a child and another count of supplying her with cannabis.

A number of messages from Khan to the girl were read to the court, including: “I’ll come give you the spliff. We’ll go on a little drive, we'll do our stuff.”

Another read: “We can do what we want, weed, drinks, everything, all on me baby, do what you want with me because I know you wanna do stuff proper together.” It was also said that he told her he was 17, when he was actually 19 at the time.

In sentencing, Judge Timothy Smith said the victim described meeting Khan on an ‘almost daily basis’, and said he took her out in ‘different cars’.

“On occasions you would collect her from school in your car. You would also collect her brother, and he would help her sneak in and out,” Judge Smith said.

“You gave him alcohol and cannabis in part to keep him on side so he would not tell others of your relationship.”

The judge said Khan showed an ‘unwillingness’ to accept responsibility, adding that he ‘lied to the police, the jury and in his interview with a probation officer’.

He said the victim was unable to recognise if situations were unsafe, and said she had limited understanding of intimate relationship dynamics. “She describes how you made her feel ‘special’, in her words ‘by an older boy giving her love’,” he said.

“I am entirely satisfied you knew the relationship was wrong but you persisted in it for your sexual needs.”

Khan, of Milne Street, Oldham, was jailed for four years and ten months. He was also made subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years, and handed a restraining order, banning him from contacting the girl indefinitely.

He was also placed onto the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely.

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