Edinburgh 2023-04-07

Raymond Nyiam 32

Convicted of raping a women while unconscious and incapable of giving consent.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4405


Not reported.


Raymond Nyiam, 31, from Edinburgh, who appeared at the High Court in Glasgow via a videolink, was convicted of raping the women while they were drunk and asleep or unconscious and incapable of giving consent.

He met both his victims at a nightclub and pounced later at houses in Edinburgh. One victim was eight years younger than Nyiam and the other 10.

The offences were committed on March 5, 2017 and on November 28 at addresses in Edinburgh while both victims were asleep after enjoying a night out in the city. In both cases, the women were attacked while they were vulnerable and Nyiam took advantage of his physical strength.

Judge Laura Drummond QC told Nyiam: You knew these women for less than 24 hours after meeting them in a nightclub and going home with them.

They have been significantly affected by your actions. Their lives have been affected in almost every aspect.

You have a propensity to be a danger to the public, but the assessment is that you are able to change.

Nyiam will be on licence and monitored in the community for three years after his release from prison.

He was also placed on the Sex Offenders' Register.

Solicitor advocate Euan Roy said his client had had a hedonistic lifestyle and an anti-social personality disorder and added He has expressed a willingness to engage in appropriate rehabilitative interventions.

Following the case, Detective Inspector Jonny Wright of Police Scotlands Public Protection Unit for the capital, said: Raymond Nyiam preyed on the two women following nights out in Edinburgh City Centre.

Both victims have shown tremendous bravery by coming forward to the police and ensuring that Nyiam has been held accountable for his actions.

Nyiam clearly thought he could get away with this despicable behaviour, however he was very wrong, and I hope this sends a clear message that nobody is above the law.

I would urge anyone who believes they have been the victim of a sexual crime to contact Police Scotland through 101.

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