Worcestershire 2023-08-15

Lionel Wood 81

Vile sexual and physical abuse of a child.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4336


Didbrook End, Broadway, Worcestershire, WR12


The victim of vile sexual and physical cruelty as a child described the abuse she suffered as a ‘tattoo for all to see’.

The woman was in court on Monday (August 14) to see now 80-year-old Lionel Wood finally face justice for his years of abuse, committed when she was a child some four decades ago in Banbury.

In June, jurors at Oxford Crown Court heard how he repeatedly molested the girl, including subjecting her to what now would have been charged as oral rape of a child.

He was found guilty in less than an hour and a quarter of four counts of indecent assault.

In an impact statement read to the court by prosecutor Brian Reece, the victim said her earliest memories were of being physically and sexually abused by a man she ‘should have been able to trust’. 

She described the abuse as making her feel like ‘damaged goods’, comparing it to a tattoo ‘for all to see’. “It’s something you can’t hide from,” she said.

The woman detailed how she had struggled with physical ill-health, difficulties with self-destructive substance misuse, depression, suicidal thoughts and a series of abusive relationships.

“[The defendant] made me feel intense fear, humiliation, like a possession to be controlled and used at will,” she said.

The girl was molested while she was alone with the defendant. The abuse developed, with the girl subjected to what would now have been charged as oral rape of a child but at the time was an offence called indecent assault.

In her impact statement, the victim detailed an awful catalogue of physical abuse at Wood’s hands, although he faced no criminal charges for physically assaulting the girl.

Recorder Samantha Presland jailed him for 14 years, telling the defendant: “What should have been happy childhood memories have been completely and utterly distorted.”

He will serve two-thirds of the sentence in custody before being eligible for release.

In mitigation, Catherine Ravenscroft said her client continued to deny wrongdoing and, since being remanded in prison after his trial, had made an attempt on his life.

He was particularly concerned for his elderly partner, who was in her 90s and for whom he was providing a significant amount of support before he was remanded in custody.

The judge imposed an indefinite restraining order, preventing Wood, of Broadway, Worcestershire, from contacting his victim for the rest of his life.

Having been jailed for 14 years, he will also remain on the sex offender register indefinitely.

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