Merseyside 2014-10-24

Bryan Douglas 40

Sexual predator who subjected two young girls to a catalogue of sickening abuse.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4331


Rick Ferry, Birkenhead, Wirral, Merseyside, CH42


A sexual predator who subjected two young girls to a catalogue of sickening abuse was jailed for a total of 17 years.

Bryan Douglas, 31, was arrested when his victims, one of whom was less than ten years old at the time of the offences, reported his horrendous crimes to police.

But Douglas, from Rock Ferry, Wirral, tried to brazen it out and denied multiple charges of rape and sexual assault, forcing his victims to go through the stress of a trial.

The two child victims, one of whom is now an adult, gave evidence at Douglas’ trial last month where, although he admitted having sex with a teenage girl, he denied raping both of them and denied a further count of sexual assault.

On Monday he was jailed for 17 years by a judge who said he was a danger to children.

As well as the lengthy sentence he received an additional five year extended license meaning for the next 22 years, once he gets out of prison, he will be able to be locked up if he breaches any conditions of his release.

He will not be able to apply for parole for at least 12 years and is also subject to a sexual offences prevention order preventing him from associating with children.

He is also on the sex offenders register for life.

The case was investigated by specialist detectives from the Child Protection Unit within Wirral’s Family Crime Investigation Unit, one of whom told the ECHO: “Douglas subjected the victims to unimaginable sexual abuse when he was an adult and when they were children and at their most vulnerable.

“He maintained his innocence throughout the investigation, denying the allegations and again throughout the week-long trial, denying what he had done to the victims.

“The bravery of the victims has been outstanding and their evidence was absolutely crucial to the case. They found the courage to report what had happened to Merseyside Police and they were supported by us, and the Rape Specialist Unit within the CPS, during an extremely challenging time.

“Douglas has a very long time in prison to think about what he has done. We hope this case sends out a strong message to anyone who is, or has suffered sexual abuse, whether it is recent or historic, that we will take this type of crime extremely seriously.

“We hope this will encourage more people to find the courage needed to come forward. Merseyside Police is here for you and will support you through the process and take action against the perpetrators.

“Officers would also like to warn people who think they can get away it, that they can’t and won’t. If people speak out then we will do everything in our power to put the offenders before the courts.”

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