York 2023-08-03

Billy Woodfine 23

Groomed a young girl to send him sexual videos of herself.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4288


Danebury Drive, Acomb, North Yorkshire, YO26


A YORK paedophile who corrupted a young girl over three years and got her to send him sexual videos of herself has been jailed.

The child was just 10 when Billy James Woodfine first contacted her online, said Anne Richardson, prosecuting.

He sent her hundreds of sexual messages and continued to keep in contact after police got a tip-off that he was downloading child sexual abuse, raided his home, arrested him and released him with a bail condition not to contact her.

A social worker told police the West Midlands girl was so entrenched in exploitation by Woodfine that she believed sexual abuse was normal, said Mrs Richardson.

He used WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok, York Crown Court heard.

Police forensic experts found the sexual videos she made of herself, a message in his phone which read I love raping children and evidence he had been talking sexually online to a girl in the USA and two other girls.

Judge Simon Hickey told Woodfine that his sexual messages and communication with the West Midlands girl, getting her to send him sexual videos of herself and sending her sexual images was exactly the type of offending that corrupts youngsters of her age and her isolation".

Woodfine, now 22, of Danebury Drive, Acomb, pleaded guilty to three charges of causing a child to engage in sexual activity, three of having indecent images of children found on his internet devices during the police raid and one each of sexual communication with a child and having a prohibited image of a child.

He was jailed for five years. He was also put on the sex offenders' register for life, made subject to a lifetime sexual harm prevention order that enables police to monitor his online and social media activities and prohibits him from contacting the West Midlands girl and other children, and barred from working with children or vulnerable adults.

For Woodfine, Kevin Blount said his crimes had begun about the time he moved out from his parents home. He had had a difficult childhood, during which he had been abused in a non-sexual way, and had struggled to maintain relationships in the physical world.

He has formed most of his relationships from social media and online, said the solicitor advocate. He has shown to be an isolated individual.

Since being remanded in prison, he had sought help in tackling his offending behaviour.

Mrs Richardson said police raided Woodfines home on January 12 this year and interviewed him more than once during the Spring. He claimed he didnt have a sexual interest in children.

He was bailed on condition he didnt contact the West Midlands girl but her family were monitoring her phone and on May 17, saw the pair were still in contact.

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