Manchester 2023-08-03

Benjamin Lancaster 34

Vile sex offender targeted children all over the world.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-4281


Charles Street, Swinton, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M27


A vile sex offender used the online alias 'Daddy Dominant Little Girls' to target children all over the world. Benjamin Lancaster claimed to be in polyamorous relationship and would scour the internet for victims.

He would give them a list of rules they had to abide by - including times to go to bed; what they could wear; who they could go out with; and which sexual acts they would partake in.

Lancaster, 33, would target extremely vulnerable children promise them a better life, cops said. He made them call him 'Daddy'.

He used the nickname 'Daddy Dominant Little Girls'. His sickening crimes were discovered when a carer of one of the children checked her online logs and uncovered indecent images and videos.

Lancaster was arrested in October 2021. Analysis of his phone and devices revealed he was communicating inappropriately with children all over the world.

Detectives suspect there may be other victims and have urged them to come forward after he was jailed. Lancaster, of Charles Street, Swinton, Salford, has been locked up for 10 years and six months at Manchester Crown Court for rape; possession of indecent images; and arranging/facilitating travel for sexual purposes in relation to two under-16 victims.

He will be on the sex offender register for life and has been made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order.

Det Con Emma Puckering, of Greater Manchester Police's Salford Connect Team, said: "Lancaster is going to be behind bars, and away from children, for many years to come. We would like to commend the strength and bravery of the victims and their support systems, who have supported the prosecution to conclusion.

"We know that the sentencing will never erase what they experienced at the hands of Lancaster, but we hope that it signifies the beginning of the rest of their lives, allowing them to start to heal and come to terms with what's happened."

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