Dundee 2023-06-05

Morgan Prior 34

Rapist carried out vile sex attacks on two women.

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Offender ID: O-4026


Angus & Dundee


A CHILDREN'S charity counsellor who featured in a BBC documentary about his polyamorous lifestyle has been found guilty of rape and indecent assault.

Morgan Prior was locked up after a jury found him guilty of raping one woman and carrying out a serious sex attack on another over a decade ago.

Prior - who spoke on TV about his unusual multiple-partner lifestyle - was remanded in custody and warned he faces a lengthy spell in prison.

The pony-tailed 33-year-old was found guilty by a majority of jurors at the High Court in Dundee but was cleared of four further sexual offences.

Temporary Judge Gallacher told Prior: "It is not remotely conceivable that a non-custodial sentence will follow. You have been convicted of two charges.

"One is serious and the other is very serious and the inevitable outcome I will address more comprehensively and completely at the next calling of the case.

"You have been convicted of offences which will inevitably result in a significant period of custody." He deferred sentence for reports to the High Court in Glasgow on 18 July.

One victim told the trial she had been attacked by Prior in December 2010, when he straddled her and used his legs to pin her to a bed, before raping her.

The other victim told the court that during October 2010 Prior indecently assaulted her at an address in Dundee. She described how he removed her clothing, seized her buttocks and legs and pinned her down, made sexual remarks and groped her.

He was cleared of other charges including an attempted rape in 2011 and an indecent assault on a 16-year-old girl in 2008.

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