Oxford 2023-04-28

Alala Kesahit 32

Convicted of a string of non-recent sex offences.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3742


Not reported.


An 'extremely dangerous' sexual offender has been caged after waging an eight-year reign of terror over two children. Alala Kesahit has been jailed for 20 YEARS following a police investigation into the offences across Cambridgeshire and Oxfordshire.

For nearly a decade, evil Kesahit regularly abused and assaulted two children under the age of 16. He was also physically abusive to a woman, assaulting her and causing bruising to her face and a cut lip in 2017.

The historic offences were reported to Thames Valley Police on September 28, 2022, and Kesahit was arrested the following day. He was charged on September 30, 2022.

Detective Constable Sophie Holliss said: "These offences came to light thanks to the huge amount of bravery from Kesahit's victims to stand up to his offending behaviour. That they came forward to report these horrific crimes displayed tremendous courage, and I would like to personally thank them for putting their trust in the police to keep them safe and seek justice for them."

The 31-year-old pleaded guilty to 14 separate offences on December 21, 2022 and admitted to another offence on January 13, 2023, in two hearings at Oxford Crown Court. He pleaded guilty to five counts of rape of a child, eight counts of sexual assault by penetration, one count of sexual assault by touching, and one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

His guilty pleas were accepted by the Crown Prosecution Service. A remaining seven not guilty pleas will lie on file.

Kesahit, from Oxford, was jailed for 20 years with a further four years on licence – a total sentence of 24 years at Oxford Crown Court on Thursday (April 27). He must also sign the sex offenders' register for life and was also given a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and restraining order for life.

"Kesahit is an extremely dangerous offender and the sentence reflects this dangerousness," Det Con Holliss said. "I hope that the lengthy prison sentence he has been given provides the victims with some closure and the ability to move forward with their lives in the knowledge that they are now protected from him.

"I hope that this sentence shows the wider public that the police will take reports of this nature seriously, no matter what the passage of time, and that victims will be listened to and supported."

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