Ayrshire 2023-04-24

Stewart Burgess 73

Paedophile who abused children for 'years' at Salvation Army home.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3739


Cumnock, East Ayrshire, Scotland, KA18


Stewart Burgess, previously convicted of abusing two teenage boys in 2008, was described by police as a 'prolific offender' before being jailed again on Friday.

A 'prolific' Scots paedophile who preyed on children he was supposed to protect for 'years' has been jailed for a second time after another of his victims bravely spoke out about his abuse.

Sick Stewart Burgess, now 72, targeted boys in the 1980s while working as a senior house parent at Redheugh Adolescent Unit in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, which was run by the Salvation Army for vulnerable youngsters.

In 2008 he was found guilty of abusing two teenage boys in his care and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. New proceedings were raised after another former pupil came forward to report offending by Burgess at the unit.

During the trial at the High Court in Paisley last month, a jury heard the victim – now in his 50s - remains traumatised by abuse, which took place between 1984 and 1985.

Burgess, from Cumnock, was convicted of abusing this victim in similar ways he had to others. He was sentenced to three and half years in jail at the High Court in Glasgow on Friday April 21.

His name was added to the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Detective Inspector Gavin Chisholm of the Ayrshire Public Protection Unit said: “Stewart Burgess is a prolific offender whose abuse of children spanned many years. He abused his position of trust and we welcome today’s sentencing.

“I would like to recognise the bravery of the victim shown in reporting this and assisting us throughout the enquiry and court process which has been pivotal in securing this conviction.

“Investigating abuse of children and young people remains one of Police Scotland’s top priorities. Please be assured that no matter when a crime is committed, we will listen and we will investigate.”

Scotland’s Procurator Fiscal for High Court Sexual Offending, Fraser Gibson, said: “Stewart Burgess selfishly and callously abused young boys in his care. The victim in this case bravely came forward to report what happened to him as a child.

“His evidence of crimes which had not been dealt with previously allowed us to prosecute this offender again. I sincerely hope the victim finds some small comfort in holding Burgess accountable for his actions.

“COPFS prosecutors are committed to pursue justice for victims of child sexual abuse, no matter how long ago the offences occurred.

“I urge any victims of similar crime to have confidence that time is no barrier. Please come forward, report it and seek support.”

Redheugh is one of the institutions being investigated by the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, chaired by Lady Smith. The unit closed in 1994.

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