Northamptonshire 2023-04-22

Peter Smith 44

Convicted sex offender who posed as a single mum looking for an au pair online.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3725


Desborough, Northamptonshire, NN14


A convicted sex offender who posed as a single mum looking for an au pair online has been sent back to prison.

Peter Smith was jailed in 2012 after trying to trying to abduct two women three months apart while armed with a knife, and sexually assaulting one of them.

The creep was put on the sex offender register, meaning he had to notify police of his details so he could be monitored.

But when officers visited his home in Braybrooke Road, Desborough, to check on him on March 15 this year they uncovered more disturbing activity.

Smith, 43, had created an alias on website pretending to be a single mother called Alex who was looking for an au pair, before moving chats onto WhatsApp where he continued to pose as a woman.

He had also created a Facebook profile under the alias of Liam Smith and didn’t notify the authorities of the username.

This month he admitted two charges of failing to comply with notification requirements and was jailed for 12 months by magistrates.

Smith was also ordered to pay costs of £85 and a surcharge to fund victim services of £187.

A Northamptonshire Police spokeswoman said: “Registered sex offenders are very closely monitored by our management of sexual or violent offenders team (MOSOVO).

“This means regular unannounced visits to the offender’s home to ensure they are abiding by all of their conditions. If they are not, we do not give second chances and all offences will be dealt with robustly.

“Our team work really hard every day to ensure sex offenders are rigorously managed and if any breaches are identified we are very swift in dealing with them.

“I hope this case is a lesson to other sex offenders that our processes will always find you out. And that you will be sent to prison as a result.”

Convicted sex offenders must register with police when they are convicted or released from prison, for a period specified when they are sentenced.

They must register details including their name and aliases, address, bank details, passport and whether they are live with a child, as well as renewing details annually.

Failing to comply is punishable by up to five years in prison.

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