Southampton 2015-06-30

John Farmer 80

Raped his teenage daughter in their family home.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3688


Bye Road, Swanwick, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31


HE WAS the man who was supposed to protect her from harm but he stole her childhood in the most terrifying way.

Caroline* was just 11 years old when her depraved dad John Farmer raped her in the family home.

He subjected her to a catalogue of vile crimes including sneaking into her room to assault her while she slept and forcing her to perform sex acts on him.

When he had finished with her, he would call her his special princess and tell her she could tell nobody otherwise she would be taken away.

When she was 12, Caroline raised the alarm at her school, but though it put an end to the abuse, the schoolgirl was not believed and authorities failed to take action.

It was only decades later that Caroline plucked up the courage to report what happened and bring her dad to justice.

The mum-of-four was in court to see the 71-year-old, pictured below, sentenced to 12 years in jail for rape and sexual assaults over a two-year period.

Speaking exclusively to the Daily Echo, Caroline said: It is your dad, the one man in the whole world you should have 100 per cent trust in and who you believe would never hurt you.

When I was finally able to speak out, it was like a huge dark cloud had been lifted off my shoulders. It was no longer a dirty secret that was swept under the carpet.

Caroline, who has an older sister and two brothers, said family life had always been normal.

We were just a normal family doing normal family things. Like any other kids, we would jump into bed with mum and dad in the morning. Youd think nothing of it at that age.

However one morning, her innocent care-free life ended.

I had woken up and climbed into mum and dads double bed like any other time. Mum was downstairs making breakfast at the time. Dad pulled me towards him and started play fighting with me but all of a sudden, he put his hands under my nightie and touched me.

I felt complete disbelief and fear. Afterwards you just freeze, you become numb.

Terrified, Caroline hoped the abuse by her controlling father would never happen again, but it did, and it got worse.

I was in his bed one morning having cuddles and he started tickling my back.

The next thing I knew, he forced himself on top of me and raped me.

I just wanted it to stop. It was painful.

I looked at him and no longer saw my dad. Instead of guarding me from the monsters, dad was a monster.

Caroline, pictured below as a child, describes losing interest in life as her living hell continued for two years in the family home in Fritham Road, Harefield, as well as in Wales when her dad abused her on a family holiday.

Farmer, who worked as a labourer, often abused his daughter after tucking her in at bedtime and once even sneaked into the bedroom she shared with her sister at night and sexually assaulted her while she slept.

Every time he would just get up, walk away and carry on as if everything was just totally normal. Hed never say a word about it, as if it never happened.

It was at school in February 1979 that Caroline plucked up the courage to tell her teacher what had happened to her.

She explained: I was sent home with mum and remember feeling so frightened, I was clinging on to her hand. When we got back I was sent up to my bedroom.

"There was a heated conversation downstairs between her and dad. He admitted to her hed touched me as if a kiss and a cuddle and that was it.

"I was called downstairs, but I didnt say anymore. Mum said it had been a misunderstanding and walked me back to school.

Knowing what I know now, I feel so let down by the school.

Carolines mum and dad divorced shortly after Farmer had an affair and though initially hurt that her mother did not protect her, she now feels she too was brainwashed by his lies.

For years, the horrific abuse took its toll on every aspect of Carolines life.

She married four times and at one stage became so depressed she became alcohol dependant, lost her job and unable to cope with the mental trauma, got in trouble with the police and became so low she even tried to take her own life before a stint in rehab.

I remember one time my daughter asked me did I remember when I lost my virginity and I couldnt answer her. I felt sick.

It was her husband and the support of her older brother Steve that finally gave her the strength to report her dads evil crimes two years ago.

Caroline, now 48, contacted Hampshire charity Southampton Rape Crisis who supported her to get justice.

Farmer, of Bye Road, Swanwick, was arrested and charged with rape and indecent assault, but he pleaded not guilty and Caroline had to prepare herself not only for a trial, but also to be cut off from family members.

I was 100 per cent frightened to speak out. When I did, it felt like I was finally free, but it wasnt easy.

On Facebook Ive had abuse from family members I was called a prostitute, a drama queen, a liar.

It did really hurt me but it makes me appreciate the people who do love me.

In May, the trial began at Southampton Crown Court and adamant to look her abuser in the eye, Caroline took to the witness stand where she relived every detail of her nightmare.

Five days later the jury found him guilty of one count of rape and seven counts of indecent assault.

Earlier this month, Farmer was sentenced to 12 years in prison and is on the sex offenders register for life.

Caroline explained: There was no remorse on his face at all. I didnt care if he got a year or a hundred years, I just wanted justice. After months of sleepless nights and seeing his face in nightmares, I felt like I could finally breathe again.

As the victim of a serious sexual crime, Caroline was entitled to lifelong anonymity, but in an act of incredible bravery, she has decided to waive that right in order to give others hope that there is life after rape.

It takes so much courage at any age to speak out to know if you are going to be believed but not talking about it, means it festers inside.

If you do nothing, it will eat away at you and it will destroy you.

Once you make that first little contact, you feel like you have taken control of your life again.

Ive become a strong person now. I feel empowered.

I cant call him my dad. I say I dont have a dad if anyone asks. John Farmer saw me as a victim but he didnt count on me being a survivor.

Investigating officer DC Alison Humby, from Western CID, told the Daily Echo: Hampshire Constabulary will always endeavour to investigate all reports of non-recent sexual abuse in a thorough and compassionate manner.

The victim in this case is an extremely brave person. She has shown strength of character and Ive seen how, over the last two years, she has been able to move on in her life.

Farmer committed a series of appalling sexual offences against his daughter when she was aged between 10 and 12 years old.

"The breach of trust in this case is immeasurable. His conviction demonstrates that sex offenders can and will be brought to justice regardless of the length of time it takes for their crimes to be brought to light.

*The victims surname has not been used to protect her identity.

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