Swansea 2023-01-16

Jordan Hill 23

Groomed a young girl on Facebook and sent her highly sexualised messages and videos.

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Offender ID: O-3687


Tyle-Teg, Clydach, Swansea, SA6


Jordan Hill "groomed" a young girl on Facebook and sent her highly sexualised messages and videos later claimed his account had been hacked, a court has heard.

Jordan Hill was caught after a family member of the victim found concerning messages on a phone she had been using, and alerted the child's mother. The defendant's barrister said his client was ashamed of what he had done.

Helen Randall, prosecuting, told Swansea Crown Court that Hill communicated with his victim - who was aged 13 at the time of the offending - via Facebook. The defendant complimented the girl and told her she was beautiful, and asked her if she wanted to tease him by "talking dirty".

The court heard that during a series of conversations Hill talked about anal and oral sex with the child, asked if she had a friend who could join a threesome, sent explicit videos of himself, and requested she masturbate. There was also evidence the girl had sent Hill videos or pictures of herself but these have not been recovered and their content is not known.

The prosecutor said the offending came to light when the girl stayed with a family member and asked to borrow a phone so she could check social media as she had left her mobile at home. At the end of the stay the family member noticed the guest had not logged out of her accounts on the phone, and when the device was checked some of the messages and videos the defendant had been sending were discovered. The quick-thinking family member took screenshots of the offending material before alerting the girl's mother.

Hill was identified and arrested, and during his interview he denied sending the messages and said his Facebook page must have been hacked. An expert report was subsequently commissioned to see if there was any evidence that Hill's account had been accessed by third parties or whether any viruses or malware could have been responsible for sending the messages - the report found no evidence to support his claims.

Jordan Hill, aged 22, of Tyle Teg, Clydach, Swansea Valley, had previously pleaded guilty to sexual communication with a child and to inciting a child to engage in sexual acts when he appeared in the dock for sentencing. He has no previous convictions.

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