Rochdale 2023-04-01

Andrew Ellison 47

Remorseless and 'delusional sadist' subjected a group of women to a 'campaign of rape and violence'.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3630


No fixed address.


A remorseless and 'delusional sadist' subjected a group of women to a 'campaign of rape and violence'. Andrew Ellison, 46, has been locked up for nearly three decades for a string of 28 horrific crimes against five victims..

Ellison, from Rochdale, was found guilty of crimes including rape; assault; and false imprisonment following a five-week trial. The first four victims all suffered a barrage of physical and verbal abuse, leaving them feeling 'worthless', Manchester's Minshull Street Crown Court heard.

He carried out some attacks wielding a bat with the engraving 'Andy E'. His offending started in the 1990s, prosecutor Amanda Johnson said. He left his first victim bruised and scratched - and once knocked her unconscious.

Ellison called her a 's**g' and a 'w***e', the court heard. He abused his second victim and slapped her across the face.

His threats were so terrifying that she once wet herself. Ellison made her sit in her urine, hissing: "Dirty b****." Ellison smashed the woman's head against a fireplace. Part of her ear was sliced off.

He later raped the woman. She said the attack felt like it lasted 'a lifetime'. "I'll show you what 'no' means," Ellison told her.

Another victim was also verbally abused. Ellison 'rugby tackled' her on the street in one shocking incident. He dragged her down a set of stairs and spat in her face. Ellison once kicked her so hard she couldn't get up. She thought her legs were broken after the thug ditched her in an alley.

The woman had crockery thrown at her after he lost his temper. The violence later 'escalated into rape'. Ellison threated to 'gut' the woman with a knife. He told her he had taken an overdose - and that she 'deserved to watch him die'.

Another of Ellison's victims was raped as he threated to stab her if she moved. He told her he'd kill her on another occasion. Ellison also strangled her.

The woman documented what happened to her so 'people would know' what she had endured if she died. The woman once ran into the street and flagged down a car for help. Ellison dragged her from the back seat, kicking her and knocking her unconscious.

His 'catalogue of offending' was then 'laid bare'.

Ellison's last victim was a woman who he exposed himself to before touching himself inappropriately - and attempting to touch her.

He was arrested last March. He offered no comment when quizzed by cops. Cowardly Ellison, of no fixed address, pleaded not guilty to all charges - four counts of putting a person in fear of violence by harassment; six counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm; six counts of rape; four counts of false imprisonment; one count of damaging property; two counts of making threats to kill; one count of inflicting grievous bodily harm; two counts of assault by penetration; one count of exposure; and one count of attempted sexual assault.

He was found guilty of 28 counts by a jury.

One of the women said in a statement read to the court: "I'm still hyper vigilant just walking down the street. It's that constant fear of not knowing what's coming."

"I still need medication for my mental health," another said. One victim said: "I wake most nights with night terrors and struggle to sleep."

Defending Ellison, Aisha Khan said that he has 'no vengeful wishes towards the complainants and that he wants to go on courses to help him in prison. The court heard he had a history of anxiety and depression.

Sentencing Ellison to 24 years, with a four-year extended licence period, Judge Bernadette Baxter described him as 'selfish, careless bully'.

"You are a delusional sadist who has taken no responsibility for your actions and blames anyone but yourself for the sexual violence you inflicted on others," she added.

"You have not shown a jot of remorse at any time and continue to deny the offences. This is very serious offending. It was a campaign of rape and violence, which had a profound impact on their lives for many years."

'His lack of remorse is despicable'

Greater Manchester Police interviewed more than 60 witnesses and conducted nearly 14 hours of interviews with Ellison's victims.

Following the case, Detective Constable Marshall Trower, of GMP's Rochdale District, said Ellison's victims were 'terrorised tortured, and abused'.

"He would subject them to vile verbal and physical abuse and make these women believe that they were at fault. They felt extremely alone and vulnerable.

"Ellison was quick to... blame these incidents on the victims, calling them 'mad' and 'hysterical'. I commend all the victims for their bravery throughout this investigation and for having the courage to report this information.

"Andrew Ellison's crimes are horrific and his lack of remorse for all five women and their welfare is despicable. He is an extremely dangerous individual who fully deserves the sentence imposed.

"I truly hope that the sentence of this dangerous individual brings some form of peace to all the victims and their loved ones."

Kirsty Walls, senior crown prosecutor for CPS north west's Rape and Serious Sexual Offence Unit, said: "Ellison is a prolific sex offender and a danger to women. He sought sexual gratification from having power and control over his victims and he hasn't displayed any remorse for what he has put them through.

"The Crown Prosecution Service worked with Greater Manchester Police to build a strong case to put before the jury including, eyewitness testimony, video and audio recordings, phone messages, medical evidence from hospital records and images of injuries. The jury found him guilty of 28 out of the 29 counts he faced.

"The women who bravely reported the offences should be commended. I hope they can move forward knowing Ellison has been punished for his actions."

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