Oxford 2023-03-31

Malcolm Plaisted 36

Homeless man raped woman after she let him into her home for coffee and a cigarette.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3612


No fixed address.


A homeless man who raped a woman who tried to help him has been sentenced to 11 years in prison. Malcolm Plaisted, aged 35, of no fixed abode, was handed the sentence yesterday (March 30) at Oxford Crown Court.

He will be on licence for six years after his release. Plaisted initially went not guilty to one count of rape and one count of possession of a knife in a public place, but changed his plea to guilty on March 9.

The attack happened on November 12 last year, when he knocked on his victim’s door in Oxford, asking for a cigarette and a coffee as he had been out all night. After welcoming him into her home, Plaisted dragged the woman onto a bed and raped her.

He continually did so despite being begged to stop. He was arrested and charged the next day (November 13) and was remanded in custody.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Ellie Middlemass, of Oxford CID, said: “This was an incredibly harrowing case to investigate due to its violent nature and the fact that a vulnerable woman was harmed in her own home.

“Her home was a place that she had every reason to feel safe. She let Plaisted in to her address to make him a cup of coffee, and Plaisted embarked on a horrific attack.

“Despite the victim suffering significantly as a result of this incident, she has supported the investigation throughout and she should be highly commended for the bravery and resilience she has shown. Plaisted has been given an extended prison sentence and he is a very dangerous offender.

“He will also be on the sex offenders’ register indefinitely.Thames Valley Police is absolutely committed to tackling violence against women and girls. Plaisted will serve a substantial prison sentence as a result of his abhorrent behaviour, and I hope that this conviction and sentence will serve as some solace to his victim.”

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