Lancashire 2023-03-15

Billy Whitehouse 19

Rape and engaging in sexual activity with a child.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3546


Green Street, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12


A paedophile, who raped one woman and also engaged in sexual activity with a child, has been jailed following an investigation by Lancashire Police.

Preston Crown Court was told that in May, 2020, Billy Whitehouse took a 14-year-old girl into an abandoned shed in Burnley where they kissed. He then had sex with her, knowing she was underage.

Whitehouse, who is now 18 but was 16 years old at the time of the offence, was charged with rape. But part way through the trial he pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual activity with a child. That plea was deemed acceptable by the prosecution.

In December, 2021, Whitehouse threatened to stab the second victim, before punching her in the face and rendering her unconscious. Once the victim regained consciousness, he took her into a house and raped her. On other occasions Whitehouse fractured the victim’s hand, sexually assaulted her, urinated on her and threatened to release private sexual images of her which he had taken without her knowledge.

Following the trial Whitehouse, of Green Street, Padiham, was found guilty of rape, assault by penetration, assault occasioning actually bodily harm, and threatening to disclose private sexual images.

He appeared back at the crown court today (March 14) where he was sentenced to eight years custody. He was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

In an impact statement to the court, the second victim said: “I struggle getting to sleep, and when I do sleep, I have severe nightmares. This impacts me at work because when I get there I am already so tired. I have been prescribed anti-depressants because of what Billy put me through. The effects on me are long lasting and extend far beyond the incidents themselves. I’m still dealing with the aftermath every single day.”

She added: “I hope I can start to move forward now without interruption from Billy, slowly rebuild my life and replace aspects of it which he stole from me.

“I had many aspirations for my life and still do, but this is something which people can’t see. It's pain which I will have to carry with me for the rest of my life.

“It has changed how I view myself and how I view others, and I have come out the other side a different person and a different version of myself. “The impact this has had on me does not have an end date and is something I will live with forever, so you could say it is me who has been handed the life sentence.”

DC Matthew Bourne, from East CID, said: “Whitehouse is an individual who presents a clear danger towards women and girls by his appalling attitude towards them, and a warped sense of entitlement. For such a young man he has committed some extremely serious and appalling crimes, which will have a long-lasting impact on both victims.

“I welcome the sentence handed down to him and the orders handed down by the judge mean Whitehouse will continue to be monitored by the authorities once he is released from prison.

“I hope this case and it’s outcome will encourage other victims of sexual offences to come forward, knowing they will be believed, listened to and we will do everything in our power to put the perpetrator before the courts.”

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