Wiltshire 2019-09-13

Stefon Winter 75

Sexually abusing two boys in the changing rooms of a football club.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3540


Not reported.


A man has been jailed after sexually abusing two boys in the changing rooms of a football club in Wiltshire.

Stefon Francis Winter was found guilty of two counts of indecency and two counts of gross indecency on September 10 after abusing the two brothers in Warminster 40 years ago.

The cold case was re-opened in 2016 after advancements in DNA technology meant crucial evidence could be re-examined.

This included DNA found on one the brother's items of clothing, which was later linked to the defendant.

Det Ins Tom Straker, from Wiltshire Police, said: "This was a horrible, traumatic assault which understandably had a long-lasting impact on the two victims.

"Not only did they have to re-live the incident when the cold case was reopened, but they had to hear it all again in court due to Winter refusing to admit what he had done.

"I hope this conviction shows that no unsolved case of this nature is completely closed and that we will continue to fight to get justice for victims."

The court heart Winter had led the boys away before he attacked them.

Although the incident was reported at the time and clothing was seized, no suspect was identified.

He was arrested at his home in Goatacre, Calne, and pleaded not guilty in court but was convicted of all four charges.

He was sentenced in line with guidelines for the offences as they were back in 1980.

'A dangerous offender'

Detective Constable Chris McLoughlin, who worked on the case, added: "I want to pay tribute to the two victims in this case and thank them for the bravery they have shown in supporting the police throughout this investigation.

"Furthermore, to the scientists and archivists nationally who have so professionally made this possible.

"Winter is a dangerous offender, who has escaped justice for more than 40 years and I welcome this conviction which will see him put behind bars and ensure he no longer poses any risk to the public.

"Regardless of the passage of time, we will work tirelessly to bring offenders to justice. Let this be a warning to anyone else out there who has committed offences and has, so far, evaded the law."

Wiltshire Police has urged others victims of sexual offences to report them by calling 101, or 999 in an emergency.

Victims can also seek support and counselling from the Swindon and Wiltshire Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) - they can be contacted on the helpline 01793 781916.

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