Mansfield 2023-03-14

Matthew Shaw 39

Former PCSO committed to multiple child sex offences.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-3532


Bernard Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG19


A former police community support officer from Nottinghamshire has been jailed for 14 years after admitting to multiple child sex offences.

Matthew Shaw, aged 38, was reported to police after he was caught filming a girl in a swimming pool changing room at Center Parcs.

Shaw, who has since resigned from Derbyshire Police, was challenged by the girl’s mother after he passed a camera under a cubicle wall in a changing room on April 27, 2022.

He was subsequently reported to Nottinghamshire Police and arrested at his home two days later.

Officers seized several electronic devices, including a mobile phone found hidden in the roof of his garage. Examination of these devices revealed additional videos recorded in changing rooms.

Evidence was also recovered of Shaw, of Bernard Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse, engaging in online sex acts with several children.

Shaw initially denied any wrongdoing, but later admitted 21 charges of causing a child to engage in sexual activity, and three of voyeurism.

At Nottingham Crown Court on Monday, Shaw was jailed for a total of 14 years. He will also serve an additional six years on licence.

He was also added to the sex offenders’ register and made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order.

Detective Chief Inspector Gemma Scott, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Shaw is a devious and manipulative sex offender now starting a well-deserved prison sentence.

“While he did not come into physical contact with his victims, he still caused very real harm to vulnerable young people by exposing them to things they were simply too young to understand let alone consent to.

“Nothing is more important to us than the safety of children and we will always robustly pursue those who commit offences of this nature.

“I am pleased Shaw has now been jailed and hope this case serves as a warning to others about the consequences of this kind of behaviour – sooner or later we will catch up with you and you are likely to end up in jail.”

Deputy Chief Constable Simon Blatchly, of Derbyshire Police, said: “The offences Shaw has been dealt with at court are shocking.

“As soon as the allegations came to light Shaw was suspended from his role as a PCSO and the force assisted colleagues in Nottinghamshire Police with their investigation. He subsequently resigned from his position last year.

“Through that investigation it was concluded none of Shaw’s offending was found to have taken place while he was on duty and no victims were identified as being linked to his role.

“While all officers and staff hold a position of trust, PCSOs have a unique role that puts them in contact with a great many different groups within our communities, including young people.

“His role and position of trust make his crimes all the more shocking to the public and I share their revulsion at his actions.”

Reacting to the sentence, a spokesman for the NSPCC child protection charity. said: “As a PCSO, Shaw was supposed to be helping the community. Instead he betrayed them in a terrible way, committing a string of sexual offences against a number of children and helping fuel the awful industry of online child abuse material by seeking out indecent images.

“These crimes can have a devastating impact on the victims.”

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